
I hope someone can help me get to the Windows Ten Forum

Seems strange huh? Well, here's the story. I am now using Firefox- the latest version, to get to the Windows Ten Forum but when I get there, all I get is what's on the attached graphic. I can use the links there but cannot not see everything else that is on the forum. Can't read the posts and can't post.

I have removed my bookmarks and imported them from another browser but still only get what's in the graphic. I used sync with the same results. I have typed in the URL of the forum and, as before, just get what's in the graphic.

All other imported bookmarks are fine.

I just tried Internet explorer (which I am using now) and it works fine but I prefer to use Firefox.

I have a feeling I pushed a button somewhere when I was setting up Win10 but know nothing.

Any ideas?

Thanks for reading this.

I did finally download Firefox for win-10,
This forum works okay I believe Firefox is a bit slower than ie11 but it did work so I'm not sure what settings you altered in win-10 but I suppose you can reset Firefox or boot the machine and see if either help any ?

I did finally download Firefox for win-10,
This forum works okay I believe Firefox is a bit slower than ie11 but it did work so I'm not sure what settings you altered in win-10 but I suppose you can reset Firefox or boot the machine and see if either help any ?
Thanks for the reply. Oh, I've rebooted for days with the same results.

How do I "reset" Firefox?

I'm sure this still applies

I'm sure this still applies
Oh Boy! Sounds like a lot of fun.

I think I'll wait before I do that.

Thanks a bunch. I have never reset Firefox. It will be an interesting experience.

Right now I am on Firefox because I can access my post so I'll stay here. Can't do anything else I'm afraid.

OK, I reset but still can't access the Forum.

I'll keep looking for help.

Looks like I have a mess on my hands now. Reset was a big mistake. Wouldn't even accept my password.

You have collapsed the blog. Click the + sign to expand, - sign when you want to hide everything again:

I'm on Win 7 right now Kari.

I'll look for the plus sign.


Yikes I have no idea why that's even an option for someone to do
Good eye Kari

I hope someone can help me get to the Windows Ten Forum