

My wife's laptop has been infected with this nasty virus, she blamed me for her getting it, but I run Malwarebytes occasionally and has never detected the PUP on my machine. I have used Malwarebytes several times on her machine only to have the machine re-infected. So I've been to several sites they confirmed that removal very difficult. They list some very convoluted solution. One even warned that a miss-stroke could cause serious damage to your machine. I have a tremor so I do not want to attempt one of those and that fact they only list windows 7 and 8.

I hoping that there is someone out there that can point me to trusted software to remove this or recommend or a reputable site that can do the removal. I'm not looking for a freebee but permeant solution to this virus.

I'm sure she has a lot of unwanted junk on her relatively new machine. Every time I ran MB it took longer than the previous time, I just ran MB, it took 21min. My machine has a larger capacity and only takes about 5min.

See if this article will help........
How can you remove PUP.Optional.Helperbar.
It consists of 3 steps.

Also, try the above. And may want to consider a System Restore to a point prior to the virus (If possible).

If I read your post correctly, your wife's laptop has a virus with PUPs ? Any other issues ?

See if this article will help........
How can you remove PUP.Optional.Helperbar.
It consists of 3 steps.
I'm having problem with the quick reply windows I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I responded to davidhk's and then torre's. but both disappeared when tried to correct the title of the original post title with another response.

I'm dealing with the PUP.Optional.HomePageHelper

I'm having problem with the quick reply windows I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I responded to davidhk's and then torre's. but both disappeared when tried to correct the title of the original post title with another response.

I'm dealing with the PUP.Optional.HomePageHelper
Try again.
I read your last reply just fine. Nothing wrong with it.

Been out of town... I forwarded your suggestions to my son and he was able to resort my wife's machine!

Thank You davidhk and torre for your assistance!!!

Now that the issue is sorted, please mark this thread as Solved.
Thank you.

Now that the issue is sorted, please mark this thread as Solved.
Thank you.
Will do, and thank you for your help!

Will do, and thank you for your help!
You are welcome.
Happy Holidays.
