
Problems installing W7 Classic Games.

Hoping someone can help with this. I've used the x64 games on W8.1 and they work straight off. I could not get the x86 version to work on an x86 W8.1 install and similarly can not get them to work on W10

With pictures .

1/ For completeness here is the disk structure.

2/ The games installer file. Its on a USB drive. (I also tried all this with a new download of the file in case there was something corrupt but it was the all the same)

3/ Default Installer. Location incorrect.

4/ New Location.

5/ Location Accepted.

6/ Ready To Install.

7/ Installed.

8/ Games Explorer is present.

9/ No Games. This is what happens in a clean W8.1 x86 install too.

10/ Where are they. I've searched but can not find the installed folder.

11/ Installed programs shows it to be present. Where is it though ?

Your location of install is C:Microsoft Games
Not C:Program FilesMicrosoft Games

It does say make sure you installed it in Program Files

Thanks for the reply. OK, I've tried again from a clean base image that has never had this attempted and I still get the same issue.

I made sure the file path was as shown and ran the installer again,

I then tried creating a folder in Program Files that was called "Microsoft Games". It created OK. I then ran the installer again and selected the full file path to the newly created folder. Again it doesn't work. That folder is just empty after running the install.

Thanks for the reply. OK, I've tried again from a clean base image that has never had this attempted and I still get the same issue.

I made sure the file path was as shown and ran the installer again,

I then tried creating a folder in Program Files that was called "Microsoft Games". It created OK. I then ran the installer again and selected the full file path to the newly created folder. Again it doesn't work. That folder is just empty after running the install.
Have you ran the installer as an administrator? I couldn't tell you how many times programs refuse to install due to not having sufficient rights.
Just right click the installer and run as administrator.

I hadn't thought of that but just trying it now and there doesn't seem to be a run as admin option when right clicking the installer.

I hadn't thought of that but just trying it now and there doesn't seem to be a run as admin option when right clicking the installer.
You need to add it to the context menu Run as administrator - Add to MSI File Context Menu - Windows 7 Help blog

Try the x64 version,
also, maybe the installer doesn't work properly from a thumb drive.

Thanks for the link Adam. I'll give that a try out (probably tomorrow) and report how it goes.

I got errors trying to run the x86 version,
the x64 version worked fine on 64bit architecture.

the games will run in "Media Center Mode" (without WMC installed!)
Almost like a 'Modern' app

That's interesting to hear. I'm currently on my Dell W8.1 x64 and one of the first things I did in the install procedure was to install the x64 version. It went without a hitch.

I've tried installing from USB flash, I've tried putting the file on a separate partition and running from there and I've also tried just putting the file in "documents" and running. Same result every time.

One curious thing I notice (and maybe its nothing) is that the file size in "Programs and features" is 149mb on the Dell x64. On the x86 install it just shows at around 82 ? mb... as if the files haven't been expanded or a load are missing. I must check that by booting into Vista and checking what that shows size wise.

Problems installing W7 Classic Games.