
McAfee security

Can someone please provide me with the tool to erase all of McAfee security again,as I have lost it.


Here is the removal tool

Can someone please provide me with the tool to erase all of McAfee security again,as I have lost it.
Read through this and it will show you step by step how to remove McAfee from your computer

PC Hell: How to Uninstall McAfee

paulsalter's link seems to have problem remaining opened.
If you have problem with it, see if this link will open ok.........
It comes from the same source....... McAfee itself.

McAfee Removal Tool

paulsalter's link seems to have problem remaining opened.
If you have problem with it, see if this link will open ok..........
McAfee Removal Tool
Thanks for other link, there was a message that the site is having problems, took me a couple of refreshes to get it to stay open

Thanks for other link, there was a message that the site is having problems, took me a couple of refreshes to get it to stay open
No problem.
I had to re-do the my link twice before it sticks.

Apologies for tagging on here, but I'm not sure it warrants a new thread.

I have a new computer with one year of McAfee but I'm thinking about removing it. It slows down my Dell 5759 for the 1st two minutes, when I open Task Manager CPU and Disk usage are 100%.

It's kinda ridiculous having a slow Core i5 8GB RAM laptop but I still have my doubts. Am I doing the right thing getting rid of McAfee?

Is that when it is loading everything.
If you are not happy with it then try and turn off some of the settings in McAfee.
Or set a delay time to start up the rest
If not happy then remove it using the link posted.
I have it at the moment but as soon as my subscription run out I am thinking of changing it
The way windows Defender is improving all the time I will probably install that

Apologies for tagging on here, but I'm not sure it warrants a new thread.

I have a new computer with one year of McAfee but I'm thinking about removing it. It slows down my Dell 5759 for the 1st two minutes, when I open Task Manager CPU and Disk usage are 100%.

It's kinda ridiculous having a slow Core i5 8GB RAM laptop but I still have my doubts. Am I doing the right thing getting rid of McAfee?
You claim that McAfee slows down your computer.
You will have to prove that to your own satisfaction.
Can you reinstall it if you have it uninstalled ?
If yes, uninstall it and see if it makes a difference.
If it does not, reinstall McAfee.
If it does, enable Windows Defender as your Real Time protection.
Then install Malwarebytes, free edition, as your On-Demand protection.

Select the free edition for now. You can buy the full version later on if you like it that much.

P.S. Real Time Protection means it starts to scan and protect your system the moment you turn on the computer.
On-demand Protection means it stays dormant until you turn it on, and it will stop after finishing scanning.

Apologies for tagging on here, but I'm not sure it warrants a new thread.

I have a new computer with one year of McAfee but I'm thinking about removing it. It slows down my Dell 5759 for the 1st two minutes, when I open Task Manager CPU and Disk usage are 100%.

It's kinda ridiculous having a slow Core i5 8GB RAM laptop but I still have my doubts. Am I doing the right thing getting rid of McAfee?
If you remove McAfee, you have to get something else (e.g. Norton) to protect your system. Question is whether that will be better. I am not a friend of McAfee - I am neutral. But McAfee has a good reputation. Take that into consideration.

McAfee security