I installed Windows 10 on VirtualBox on my Mac. When installing I entered the Product Key that I got when I purchased Windows 10. Now I am planning to use the same key elsewhere. Should I do something before I delete the virtual Windows 10 from VirtualBox? Thank you.
Nothing that will really help. You can remove the product key from the local machine but that won't change anything already stored on Microsoft activation servers.
Thank you. How can I remove the product key from the local machine? Please note that it is installed on a VirtualBox as a VM. And does that help me to reuse it elsewhere?
If it is a retail key, you can reuse it. But you will have to call Microsoft.
It won't help you reuse it because it won't change what Microsoft has stored on their servers. I do not know if Microsoft changed their policy on reusing Windows 10 retail product keys but up through Windows 8.1 Microsoft allows a certain number of automatic internet activations of the same key and then it gets blocked from automatic internet activation and you have to use phone activation and tell the computer you have it installed on only one computer.
From an elevated ("run as administrator") command prompt type:
slmgr /cpky <enter>
slmgr /upk <enter>
The /cpky clears the product key from the registry and /upk uninstalls the product key (which deactivates the Windows installation).
Thank you very much.
Thank you. I will probably call them.
Please come back and tell us what they say.