
Cut and paste URLS only works in compatibilty mode (IE)

Hi there

I seem to have problems in IE cutting and pasting URL links unless I'm in compatibility mode. Running W10 build 9879 with latest fixes applied.

Not a big deal but just another thing to watch for in testing the OS.


One question,
Why and from where are you Cutting a url from instead of copying :/

One question,
Why and from where are you Cutting a url from instead of copying :/
Hi there

OK typo - I meant copying -- CTRL-C from the keyboard from the URL title. Then pasting say into the Forum thread in a post I just get a Blank. Compatibility mode works as it always used to - item gets pasted.


I can't say I ever had any issuing doing that with the right click menu lists
Have you tried them instead of the keyboard keys ?

One question,
Why and from where are you Cutting a url from instead of copying :/
Hi there

OK typo - I meant copying -- CTRL-C from the keyboard from the URL title. Then pasting say into the Forum thread in a post I just get a Blank. Compatibility mode works as it always used to - item gets pasted.

I just discovered I have it, too, Jimbo!

When I'm reading and want to reply, not even the smileys will show up when I click on them. I tried to cut and paste (Ctrl+C; Ctrl+V) and that doesn't work either. I lowered the security setting in Internet Options, but that didn't do any good.

I don't have that problem. I can copy URLs from and paste to the IE.

I don't see any issue either
Neither of y'all are showing any system spec's although did y'all add No Script or something like that ?

I don't see any issue either
Neither of y'all are showing any system spec's although did y'all add No Script or something like that ?
I have Windows 10 on two laptops, Thrash, and haven't gotten around to putting specs in for either of them. I don't want to give specs for my 17" because it will be going back to my son-in-law when my new one gets here. And this one will probably go back into reserve then.

BTW, I hadn't noticed that the problem doesn't happen on this 15.6" laptop; only the 17", which I corrected by using compatible mode like Jimbo did.

Hi y'all both might try using Alt+TB and uncheck both boxes for comp-view lists from Microsoft,
After that use Alt+TD delete browser history and check all of the boxes except for the very top and the third from the top Cookies and delete.
Close ie and re-open and see what happens,

Cut and paste URLS only works in compatibilty mode (IE)