Just saw a news article on CNBC web site about a hospital in Kentucky that is the victim of ransomware. I assume the hospital has a backup on an external drive. So why can they not use the backup?
Because probably, and sadly, they didn't make one...
I am a retired blue collar worker and I use backup. What makes business's think they don't need a backup?
Does ransomware do more then encrypt files, preventing the victim from using a backup or using other means to restore their computer?
He didn't say they don't need a backup, they don't have one is what he said.
One thing about cloud auto backups and ransomware....
Don't do it!
Manually sync.
Because if your files become corrupted and auto-sync is on...
Your cloud files will be corrupted, unless, your cloud services has a file history option.
For example anything I save will be saved to "This PC", if it's important I will place a copy to OneDrive right away.
Then for less important stuff, like the newest wallpapers, batch files, or themes I have created, I sync once a week.
"they don't have one is what he said."
No he didn't
But ref the last post. Totally agree. Nothing too scary about backups.wherever they may be. The problem is that the User must be certain that he has itemised the backups, and is not merely reloadin whatever mischief was on them.
How's that? It is a copy/paste...
Please allow me to state what was said.
There is a difference when certain words are used in a statement or reply. "eLPuSHeR" used the word" probably" which makes his reply a guess. My reply back to him as a question was actually a guess, although not implied.
So axeO would be incorrect and davehe would be correct.
axe0 (zero)
My reply was on the part 'What makes business's think they don't need a backup?' where eLPuSHeR said they don't have one, that's all I said. Businesses know they need one, this time they apparently don't have any because it would have been used if any was created.
So explain to me what makes I'm incorrect.
Easy enough.
Guess's are not accepted as facts. But can be used as clues that lead to the facts. The keyword was "Probably" and if it was left out, then you would be correct.