
Windows defender tells me nothing. How do I see what it's detecting?

So I am copying a bunch of files from an old computer to my new laptop.

Windows Defender pops up saying "Potentially Harmful Software Detected, Click here for more Details"

I click it.

And see nothing.

Just the main interface with all the usual buttons.

I go to history and select view all detected items, click Vew Details...

Nothing there.

So.. is it just part of the new 'hide everything useful away from the user' theme that Windows 10 seems to be following or is there something wrong?

I dont necessarily need all the files but I would like to see what it is. Has Defender just blocked a file from being copied? Have I just copied an old virus to my new computer?

Why say click here for details if it tells you absolutely nothing.

OMG never mind. Eventually noticed the tiny blue link on the main page. Click that and then click show details and I can see the file name.
Sorry to waste space on your forum. Haha maybe some other ignorant fool will do the same thing as me and find this helpful.

But still. You'd think if the user "Clicks here for more details" it would just show you the information instead of hiding it away in some non intuitive way.

Eventually noticed the tiny blue link on the main page. Click that and then click show details and I can see the file name.
Where is that?

Where is that?
It's only there after it has detected something. And it has a big orange clean button (think that is what it was called). Underneath that button is a some small blue text called "show details" or something to that effect.

I clicked that and a new window appears. The new window has a "show details" button. Then it will show the complete path and file name.

Ah, OK. Thanks. I was looking all over mine and didn't see a little blue link.

Good info anyway.

Ah, OK. Thanks. I was looking all over mine and didn't see a little blue link.

Good info anyway.
YAY! I helped someone lol

If it's after you have taken action on the detection. Like clicking clean. Then it should appear in the history section if you click show all and view details.

Yes, the details link could be larger. A pity because I like WD tidy interface.

Yeha microsoft is retarded with interface design these days. Anytime I need to change pointer speed or configure sound systems or pretty much anything useful I now have to click through 3 screens before I can do anything. And it just ends up taking you to the old windows 7 interface ugh!.

Either put all the options in the new interface or get it out of the dam way! lol.

Windows defender tells me nothing. How do I see what it's detecting?