
Insider activation

Hi everyone! I have Windows insider preview since build 10130 on my iMac. All was working great, but today i decided to do fresh install using Media Creation Tool, and now i cant actívate my Windows copy. Its give me that error 0xC004C00.
Also now i cant to install boot camp drivers. Its say "This app can't run on your PC". How to fix that issues? Thanks!

I have installed bootcamp drivers on a 2006 (yes really, bootcamp version 3.2) and a 2014 mbp (bootcamp version 5.1)

Copy the whole folder to your desktop, unzip it, right click on setup.exe, go to "Properties" tab and say "compatibility mode" "Windows 7". Or "Vista". Anyway it works, you just have to try different versions of Windows until it runs OK.

I didn't have to do that with 10 but I did with 8. Worth a try. Windows 10 works perfectly on both of my mbp's - even the really old one.

Your 0xC004C00 error is not interesting - lots of people have it. You can wait for MS to fix it. Install bootcamp first while you wait.

I tried to use compatibility mode but its still not working

You have to use the correct version of bootcamp.

For my 2006 (or 2007 I forget) MBP I use bootcamp version 4.0.4033.
For my 2013 MBP I use bootcamp version 5.1.5621.

What are you using? And really this is a Mac question not a Windows 10 question as the same drivers have worked for me for the last 10 years... Certainly the same for me for 7, 8, 8.1, 10. Perhaps you should think of another forum...

I'll keep trying with you but unless you are using the same as me I'm not sure what to say (except get the correct drivers, they do work)

It's correct version, i was using it with build 10130.

I upgraded from 10130 to RTM and had to reinstall bootcamp as my keyboard went back to en-US.

I then did a clean install as lots was not working.

And re-installed bootcamp again.

Tell me what error you have exactly....

And what version exactly of bootcamp?

Can you copy it to desktop and run it from there?

Yes, i tried everything...

Your 0xC004C00 error is not interesting - lots of people have it. You can wait for MS to fix it. Install bootcamp first while you wait.
Microsoft will not activate the OP's Windows install because he did not do an upgrade first like Microsoft requires.

Insider activation