
BSOD audio/video related?? Please help!

Hi there,

Desktop PC, WIn10 64 bit, no problems until yesterday. A series of BSOD which often occurr when watching some videos/listenings to some music/playing some games; so I think they could be related to the video or audio card. If I don't do anything or listen to any songs, BSOD seems not to occurr.

The error is always different, for instance "BAD_POOL_HEADER" or "unexpected kernel trap".

I ran memtest86 several times, no errors.

The audio and video cards are new (of a few months ago), while the mobo and cpu are much older.
Everything was fine until yesterday, but I didn't make any changes to the system!! The ASUS audio driver is the most recent one and installed months ago; the NVIDIA driver is the most recent too, installed on 21 December.
On the attached file you won't see the ASUS audio driver and software because I just uninstalled it, in order to see if it was the cause.

No overclocking, but the first time the BSOD occurred, right after the reboot there was a message of the BIOS saying something about the overclocking frequency/voltage which was not correct... but again, I haven't touched anything and never had problems until yesterday. The message didn't reappear on the next reboots.
I was also thinking if it could be somehow related to some "heat" problems, since the video and audio cards are quite close and when the BSOD occurrs the fans are always at high speed, the pc is under a certain stress.

Thank you in advance for your help!!
  • PM-DESKTOP10-25_01_2016__11251,97.zip (567.9 KB, 1 views)

Please update your BIOS to the most recent stable version F3.

Please uninstall Gigabyte software

Please disconnect every USB device, except for mouse and keyboard, while troubleshooting.

All crashes are different error codes, most with no specific cause. This usually points to hardware related problems.

Please fill in your system specs
Please follow this tutorial and download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely.
How to fill in your system specs:

Thank you for your reply.

I've done all the three things (BIOS updated to F3, unistalled Gigabyte sw, disconnected every USB device) and filled in my system specs.

No BSOD for a while... I also ran some stress tests (prime95 for CPU and FurMark for GPU), no BSOD.
I was almost believing that the problem was solved but then... suddenly another BSOD and I wasn't doing anything particular, just browsing some pages.

I've attached the new DM log collector output with the latest minidump: PM-DESKTOP10-27_01_2016__01318,01.zip

Thank you again for your help.

Please update the drivers for your ASUS Essence STX II Audio device
Driver Reference Table - STXII.sys

Please disable any USB device while troubleshooting (exception for mouse and keyboard)

Please run MemTest86+ according to the below instructions.

Diagnostic Test

Run MemTest86+ to analyse your RAM. MemTest86+ - Test RAM - Windows 10 blog


MemTest86+ needs to be run for at least 8 passesfor conclusive results. Set it running before you go to bed and leave it overnight. We're looking for zeroerrors here. Even a single error will indicate RAM failure.

OK I'm giving an update here, I think I've found a solution for now so it may be helpful for others with the same problem.

I ran memtest several times and with different RAM configurations (all 4 modules, then just 2, then the other 2, etc.). The test fails only with all the 4 modules installed on the motherboard; the RAM modules don't fail individually. So the RAM should be fine.
After some searching on various blog, I rised the RAM and NorthBridge voltage (just a little) via BIOS.
I haven't had any BSOD since this change (at least 4 days ago), so I guess the issue is solved.

Thanks to axe0 for helping me find to the correct cause of the problem

Glad to hear your issue is solved

BSOD audio/video related?? Please help!