Updates for maps and one note came tumbling down the pipe when I checked this evening. Not sure what's changed - Probably more updates for the sake of updates. If your update settings for apps are set to manual like mine then head on over to the store to grab them
Nothing showing on mine yet at all checked manually as well
Mine is this Version
Maps 4.1603.1190.0
I have several apps updated:
Paid WiFi & Cellular
Get Skype.
Mail and calendar
Windows Map
3D Builder.
There might be more since yesterday.
I have not checked yet.
Looks like MS are hitting it hard then, I only noticed those 2 I posted about yesterday evening - I forgot that I saw get office update earlier and I'm guessing there are the others that you mention to do when I'm home from work later. Will look forward to doing them - well I say look forward to doing them but that's not strictly true as I am always wary of 'updates' breaking stuff that otherwise worked! I do think many updates are prob not necessary - it seems MS, Apple just love throwing updates down the pipe with change for the sake of it. Anyway will obediently run these later. Out of that list I guess mail and calendar getting borked will be the one that makes me most nervous. Thanks for the forewarning
Wait !
I forgot.
The 6 apps I mentioned were updated in my Insider build 14342, not my 10586.318.
Sorry I have misled you.
Phew! That's good to know - I stay well away from insider as not really into beta testing for MS, haven't got the spare time to deal with the problems and crave stability/reliability over innovation that's for sure - Unfortunately since Windows 10 have developed a deep sense of paranoia about anything MS sends down the pipe. We rely on user accounts heavily here - those native apps when they get updated can cause plenty of problems. Should the update fail for any reason and need re-downloading it has the potential to bork that native app on the other user accounts even if a subsequent update attempt then works and the app launches fine on my own account. The app update has to go smoothly first time to eliminate this risk. I'm sure many people don't notice this as most probably only have the 1 user account on a PC but it's been a real pain in the past for our family. System restore and re-attempt have always fixed things but it's a major nuisance. That being said we haven't had to endure this for a couple months now. But it's one of the reasons I distrust the updates.
I think MS has the wrong approach with regards the native apps. It seems any update run on one account tries to apply to all accounts and this introduces the bug. Whereas user specific downloaded apps only update for that user. I think the native apps should be the same. I know it means a little more disk space and each user having to do their own update but I would rather this than a native app that works on one account but not for any of the others all because of an update.
New Version of One Note Now Available in Windows 10 Store ready to be downloaded and installed
Version 17.6965.57881.0
It downloaded and installed ok