My pc seems to freeze on random occasions.
I've tried switching to other USB devices, unplugging my headset for a while but these actions didn't seem to have the desired effect. Currently my only external devices which I haven't switched yet are my 2 screens, utp cable and 2.1 speaker set. I was looking at external devices because my previous pc had simular issues.
I've also tried searching on "331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4 0x8000400000000002" which to me seemed to be the only unique reference to my crashes. And found this video (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Event 41 Kernel-Power (Random Reboots) - YouTube) which basicly tells you to disable "Turn on fast startup(recommended)" in your system power settings. This obviously didn't have no effect.
I own this pc for nearly 2 weeks now.
DM Collector logs:
In the windows error report there are many reports ofDevice Name: USB Keyboard+++ WER8 +++:
Foutbucket , type 0
Naam van gebeurtenis: PnPGenericDriverFound
Antwoord: Niet beschikbaar
Id van CAB-bestand: 0
Handtekening van probleem:
P1: x64
P2: USBVID_046D&PID_C31D&REV_6600&MI_01
Toegevoegde bestanden:
Deze bestanden zijn mogelijk hier beschikbaar:
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportArchiveNonCritical_x64_d76d8b5b6d1235111cba2429b88185335 a8d6f_00000000_17fad835
Opnieuw zoeken naar oplossing: 0
Rapport-id: 51bc470a-1de6-11e6-9920-d05099834967
Rapportstatus: 8192
Opgedeelde bucket:
+++ WER9 +++:
Foutbucket , type 0
Naam van gebeurtenis: PnPRequestAdditionalSoftware
Antwoord: Niet beschikbaar
Id van CAB-bestand: 0
Handtekening van probleem:
P1: x64
P2: HIDVID_046D&PID_C31D&REV_6600&MI_01&Col02
P4: 0413
P5: input.inf
P6: *
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC31D
FF Driver: n/a
In your specs you have a Logitech Ultraflat keyboard
Look if there are drivers for this keyboard or if it is compatible with windows 10.
If you have a other keyboard use this one for a while and see if the freezing stops.
Hi Lifetec,
First of all thanks for taking the time to look into my case! It's greatly appreciated!
As stated on: Ultra-Flat Keyboard - Logitech Support my keyboard doesn't seem to be supported in windows 10.
Since I was testing the crashes with other USB devices I'm currently using the "Logitech k200" keyboard. Which according to the following url: Media Keyboard K200 - Logitech-ondersteuning has support for Windows 10 (if I'm not misinterpreting the information).
My current setup (for testing purposes) differs a little:
- keyboard: logitech k200
- mouse: logitech m500
Freezing occured with both the combinations (k200 + m500) and (mx510 + ultra-flat keyboard).
I could also give this keyboard a try "http://support.logitech.com/en_us/product/deluxe-250-desktop" if that would be of any help?