
ntkrnlmp.exe BSOD While Gaming

So a few days ago I got a new monitor which increased the work load of my system (1080p 16:9 --> 1440p 21:9). I've had no issues with running things beforehand but today I had a BSOD during a game which I've never seen crash (Slime Rancher). I was able to play for about 10-30 minutes before this occurred. I did my system upgrade about 2 months ago now so I feel something in my hardware may have been pushed enough to trigger the W10 limit :/
  • RHINO-PC-2016_05_22_145131_65.zip (885.7 KB, 2 views)

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
<ActivePartialProductKey>T83GX</ActivePartialProductKey>   <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00331-10000-00001-AA971</ActiveProductKeyPid2>   <OSVersion>10.0.10586.2.00010100.0.0.048</OSVersion>   <ProductName>Windows 10 Pro</ProductName>   <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture>   <EditionId>Professional</EditionId>   <BuildLab>10586.th2_release_sec.160422-1850</BuildLab>   <TimeZone>Atlantic Standard Time(GMT-03:00)</TimeZone>   <ActiveSkuId>2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588</ActiveSkuId>   <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel</ActiveSkuDescription>   <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups>   <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>08e404fb-41f3-77ac-59ef-6e9f2d3f499d</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>   <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03311-000-000001-03-4105-10586.0000-0722016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx>   <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel>
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4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
<ActivePartialProductKey>T83GX</ActivePartialProductKey>   <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00331-10000-00001-AA971</ActiveProductKeyPid2>   <OSVersion>10.0.10586.2.00010100.0.0.048</OSVersion>   <ProductName>Windows 10 Pro</ProductName>   <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture>   <EditionId>Professional</EditionId>   <BuildLab>10586.th2_release_sec.160422-1850</BuildLab>   <TimeZone>Atlantic Standard Time(GMT-03:00)</TimeZone>   <ActiveSkuId>2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588</ActiveSkuId>   <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel</ActiveSkuDescription>   <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups>   <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>08e404fb-41f3-77ac-59ef-6e9f2d3f499d</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>   <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03311-000-000001-03-4105-10586.0000-0722016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx>   <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel>
Forum rules
Figures my quick fix would come after me at some point.
After I did my big hardware revamp I learned about how it thinks you have a different system entirely and to re-genuine it, though my initial install was 5-6 years ago with Windows 7 and had no clue where that disc was now. Sadly I took that quick fix, but if it could be the main source of issue to, I think I'll be looking for a good price on a W10 flash drive. That or I needle-hunt for my W7 disc and buy an external disc drive :/

Either way, thank you for pointing that out

You upgraded to Windows 10 from a genuine Windows 7?
Then you don't need to counterfeit the installation and just clean install Windows 10 without the need of a key.

ntkrnlmp.exe BSOD While Gaming