I have a fully licensed copy of MS office 2013. I have been sent a word.doc attachment on an email and saved it to the HDD, but Word refuses to open it!!!!
First thing I would suggest is to ask for the file to be re-sent, as it is possible that the file has been damaged in transit.
I have also had occasions where a "Word Compatible" program has been used to generate the document and this is not actually compatible, Re-saving the original as another format Docx or even RTF can sometimes solve this, (I've even seen this happen when using another Word revision to generate the document, though this is rare)
It might be worth to try this...................
Go to Programs and Features > right click at Microsoft Office 2013 > click Change > click Repair.
See if that does anything for you.
*** adding : the steps I posted are based on my Office 2007. Your 2013 might be different. I hope not. ***
Have you before this problem been able to open an attachment
Have you got PDF installed and working ok
pdf is ok. I checked a couple of other .doc items, and they worked. I downloaded open office whilst waiting to see if it would run in th - it does, so I was able to retrieve the research info for some work I am doing. And saved it as an odf. When I have finished running the office repair, as suggested above, I am going to see if eihter open, if not, it must be the corruption as mentioned also above.
If other doc items work except this one, then I don't think my suggestion ( Repair ) is of any use.
Most likely is the attachment corruption as suggested by the moderator.
Repair completed. I opened the odt version of the doc and it opened fine, but the .doc version will not open, so it must be corrupt. It opened in Open Office and I saved it as odt and word accepted that!!
You can double check by opening it up with word pad.. if it fails it's corrupt.
You read my mind, or I read yours. I just opened the .odt version in word then tried to save it as .doc - then open that - it didn't work. So, original is corrupt I presume.
Thanks everyone
You're welcome..