Hello I'm running windows 10 education and the anniversary update wrecked two things I regularly use
RDP ( fixed now they updated app version last night )
Cortana...yes I know i'm weird right now all people want to do is disable her but I used it alot. Only in education its been disabled, is there a way to turn it back on. I've looked in registry and there are a bunch of flags not present in any i've found searching for an aswer. Your help is greatly appreciated!
I've tried comparing and renaming ones that aren't listed in the pro version, no joy so far. Any suggestions or ideas?
Unfortunately, it appears MS has removed it from Educational release. Read here about 1 page down...
Windows 10 Education
Windows 10 Education builds on Windows 10 Enterprise and provides the enterprise-grade manageability and security desired by many schools. Windows 10 Education is effectively a variant of Windows 10 Enterprise that provides education-specific default settings, including the removal of Cortana1. These default settings disable tips, tricks and suggestions & Windows Store suggestions. More detailed information on these default settings is available in Manage Windows 10 and Windows Store tips, tricks and suggestions.
Windows 10 editions for education customers
Thanks for the reply! I did see that, but I know Cortana isn't removed. It is still there, the files are still there, registry keys and when I booted up the first time and then the first time with RDP cortana appears briefly with the microphon in the search bar before dissapearing. Got to be a way in settings to bypass the disable? Or at least make is so the search bar shows more than just local files like can search the internet etc.
She may be there so you can upgrade editions from Education to Enterprise? I can go from Home to Pro with a product key change. No install media needed, the files/features are already there and unlocked. I can go from Pro to Education with a change product key too. Enterprise to Education too which surprised me. I have no idea if you can go from Education to Pro though? I haven't tried it. Any of these edition changes require a valid product code or digital entitlement, or they won't activate.
That's very likely. With some minor exceptions, all the code is there, just disabled. Like Win 7 Pro -> Win 7 Ultimate, just pop in a key. All the necessary componentsmay not already be there and will DL on activation. That's probably why he's seeing the reg keys and some of the files....just the backbone stuff.
I've done the Home to Pro with no Internet Connection and didn't get any prompts for install media. I haven't bothered to unplug when going from say Pro to Education or Enterprise. It happens pretty quickly and as far as I can tell nothing was downloaded. Not from what I saw on screen anyway. As always YMMV. My installs were done with my MSDN ISO's, not sure if the MCT ISO's are different.