I just uploaded a large panorama jpg image (21500x8500 pixels) to OneDrive but I just see a blank outline of the photo. Is there a maximum photo size I've exceeded?
According to this....Yes and No.
OneDrive's file size limit upped to 10GB, syncing speeds tripled | PCWorld
The image file size is 58MB so I'm well short of the maximum file size. I tried viewing the photo in Chrome and Edge but neither work. I suspect a display bug in OneDrive if one of the image dimensions is too large.
OneDrive , since July 30th 2016 has a 5GB Storage limit (free) for most User's , but I think individual photos are limited to 300mb IIRC ?
Perhaps you just didn't wait long enough for it complete syncing when you looked?
No, I've waited a long time for the files to synch. I think there must be an undocumented maximum image dimension which I've exceeded. I actually get a 30GB free OneDrive allowance by opting in to the higher allowance and being a minority owner of a Windows phone.
Hmmmm that's what I had (30GB) until the 30th July cos of my Win. phone and a Bonus from years ago , then they took that all away.
The space is all there still if you didnt clean it out but if you didnt reduce your Files to your 5GB limit the Whole account becomes READ ONLY .....perhaps that is your issue?
No, the OneDrive web page says I have 30GB and I just uploaded a large 5Gb video file!!!
Maybe you are just lucky ? from the email i got it started July 27th for me....
Microsoft OneDrive storage changes - OneDrive
I haven't had that email yet in the UK. No doubt it will arrive soon and I'll have to prune some of the files. So much for progress and a huge backwards leap by MS.
I know I had 21GB on there , so it was a bit more than Pruning , and now at 84% full I get a warning Notification everyday too