
Receiving frequent BSODs in the past few months

Hello all. Since around the middle of October, I have suddenly been receiving BSODs, mostly DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, or IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. I have collected the necessary files and will upload them, with one caveat - I cleaned out the dump files a week or so ago, so I only have a few. After trolling blog for a bit, I did a few self diagnostics such as updating drivers, and that seems to have reduced the frequency. I was getting them at least once a day, but after updating the Razer Synapse program by cleanly uninstalling and reinstalling, I was able to knock a lot of it out.

I updated to Windows 10 basically the day it was released, and have not really had any problems up until this point. I generally use this computer for gaming, but it does also serve as a home office PC as well. I am very careful as to what files I will allow on my PC, and I have run multiple virus scans/Windows Defender scans. The only thing that I have seen it pick up is a false positive on Oblivion.exe (game) due to modding the EXE to be LAA. Other than that it is clean.

I also ran SeaTools, and that came back clear. I have not run chkdsk yet, but will probably run that if necessary. The only new hardware that I can recall adding in the past few months would be the Microsoft Xbox One Wireless Adapter, back near the end of October/beginning of November.

Please let m know ou need any additional information.

There are traces of bypasses on your system.
You are required to remove bypasses and related software before support may be given.
Forum rules
4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).

Okay, I've been trying to get all of that garbage off of my machine, but I apparently have still got some work to do. I'd like to remove it all. Could you PM me or point me towards the bypasses, so that I can get it all removed and get some help with these BSODs?

Please upload a new zip so I can take a look

Do you have that many bypasses or can't you remember everything?

I'm away from my computer on business all week, but will upload one Thursday after I've done some more cleanup.

Okay, I've got another upload here. I think I've gotten the majority of the mess cleaned up. I found most of the bypasses, I hope. If there's anything left, please let me know, or at least let me know how to look for it. The PC had one more crash this week, with a little more information (regarding MEMORY_MANAGEMENT).

Let me know my next steps, and thank you for taking the time to help.
  • NICK-PC-Thu_12_17_2015_145526_87.zip (970.8 KB, 1 views)

Real quick I can't find anything, but if you can find anything it is recommended to remove it + related software.
Mainly for the forum rules, but also to make troubleshooting easier, because they modify code what causes system instability. Due to the system instability by the modified code you won't easily find an analysts that would help.

A driver from Bitdefender has been flagged
Please use the tool from Bitdefender to uninstall Bitdefender while troubleshooting
Uninstall Bitdefender
If it is done correctly, you should be able to use Windows Defender as alternative while troubleshooting.
ffffd000`252bb468  fffff800`c4ffa59fUnable to load image SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSgzflt.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for gzflt.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for gzflt.sys  gzflt+0x2a59f
For the 0x1A(MEMORY_MANAGEMENT) I would recommend to test the memory

Diagnostic Test

Run MemTest86+ to analyse your RAM. MemTest86+ - Test RAM - Windows 10 blog


MemTest86+ needs to be run for at least 8 passesfor conclusive results. Set it running before you go to bed and leave it overnight. We're looking for zeroerrors here. Even a single error will indicate RAM failure.

Okay, left Memtest86+ running overnight and it returned 0 errors.

How many passes have completed?

I think it was 6. And I just noticed that your post said to leave it for at least 8. I'll run it again tonight, and let the full 8 run. I'm sorry about that.

Receiving frequent BSODs in the past few months