Here's the jist of it. I just got the final part (RAM) in the mail yesterday and powered it up for the first time last night. I spent a few hours going over driver updates for each portion of the build and installing BIOS and whatnot, just trying to get it to run functionally. Somewhere along the way, I tripped something. Or perhaps I'd let something slip from my old build and it finally caught up to me.
Either way, I'd gotten two different BSODs. One was the wdf01000.sys error and the other was usxhci.sys. The wdf error is the persistent one here.
I've uploaded the debug zip as required and would love to get some feedback here. Thanks, guys!
Unfortunately there are no dump files in your logs, follow BSOD Minidump - Configure to Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog to ensure you're set to create MiniDumps.
I just went through the steps in the guide. I think it was defaulted to kernel (clicked too fast). It's set to small memory dump now.
Do I need to replicate the BSOD a few times and re-log or is one time enough?
You can upload new logs following any BSOD (just one should now produce a dump file) but more are better to work with. Upload new logs any time you like, we can start analysing the first dump/s and you can always upload subsequent logs catching newer dumps later if needed.
This one should have a BSOD on it. Let me know if I'm wrong.
No, still none in there unfortunately. Check C:WindowsMinidumpsto see if that folder is present, if it is see if there any .dmp files in there.
Dang. I thought it would work that time. When I get off work, I'll check for that folder.
If it isn't there, should I make that folder?
Figured out why. I had turned off my pagefile in my old rig because it was stable and I was naive. Haha
I'll have an update soon.
In the meantime, what do you guys think about the program "Whocrashed"? Just found it while exploring the blog on tomshardware.
Whocrashed isn't really worth the time and effort when it comes to debugging a BSOD. Have a read of WinDBG - The Basics for Debugging Crash Dumps in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog if you really want to have a look at debugging.