System runs completely smoothly and has done for a good 5-6 months up until recently, onlywhen playing a game and recording the footage about 20-30 minutes into playing, the system will bluescreen and restart.
My initial thought was since it seems linked to CPU usage, that my CPU overclock would be the cause, so I have lowered the clock speed and even slightly increased voltage just to test whether it wasn't receiving enough power or was being pushed too far, neither of these have helped. CPU temps when in game usually reach around 65*c and GPU around 64*c.
I have also noticed after a couple of hours of just playing, no recording, that a 1/2 second stutter every few minutes will happen, I have watched and found that at the same time as the stutter, my secondary hdd will spike to 100% and back to normal, the game, steam and all things linked to the game are on my SSD so what is causing this is beyond me although I'm not sure whether or not this is linked to the BSOD's I have been experiencing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Have only had this issue for a couple of months so BSOD's in 2015 I would assume are unrelated.
Please update your BIOS to the newest stable version
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0x124 means that there is a hardware problem.
According to the logs and dumps you haven't had BSODs for 16 days, a good thing since that means there is something pretending to be a hardware problem.
Let me know how it goes
That's strange, I had a BSOD yesterday when trying to record and play at the same time again which is also in my minidump folder, not sure why it didn't pick it up.
Will update BIOS to latest revision and let you know how it goes.
Sorry, I didn't explain it proper.
The dump is indeed saved, but the time difference between the last crash and the crash before the last is 16 days
Oh I see, apologies for the misunderstanding, that may be due to me just avoiding recording whilst playing because I noticed why it was happening, only yesterday did I try it again which triggered the latest bluescreen.
Updating bios now.
Updated bios to latest version.
Should I reapply the CPU overclock I had on before or test without it first?
I recommend that you do not overclock anything while troubleshooting, overclocking may cause problems currently.
Have been testing when I've had the time and cannot replicate the BSOD, however I haven't yet reapplied the overclock I was previously running so I'm still not sure where the problem was or is.
Should I now re-apply the overclock to see if the BSOD returns?
You could try, but if it returns you have a OC problem which isn't being dealt with in this part of the forum.
I understand, I appreciate the time and help.