
Daily Random BSOD for a Year Now...HELP!

I'm really at my wit's end. Been getting random BSODs since last year. Did all the troubleshooting stuffs that I could think of. Badly need your help. BSOD messages are too random that I can't identify what is causing it.

Steps done:
Replaced old HDD that has numerous bad sectors. All HDD are now running fine. Chkdsk pass. No bad sectors.
Updated all drivers directly from manufacturers
Got an SSD for OS. Not related but still same. System is faster though!
Memtest86+ passed!
Changed antivirus app just in case - same
Reverted from ReFS to NTFS - same
SFC /scannow - same
Reseated cables/ram modules

Thanks in advance!

Bug check strings that i got:

Zip file of dump files here. Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

Please follow the posting directions in the link shown at the top of this (and all) thread. Run the DM collector and post the resulting zip file in a reply here.


Here you go. Also got a couple of BSODs after the initial post was created. Unable to extract or view event logs now as well it seems. Not sure when that started as I can view it before. Probably got corrupted due to the frequent need to restart after getting a blue screen error. Thanks in advance!

Some dumps point to ntkrnlmp.exe which is part of the OS kernel and not the cause.
A few others point to avgntflt.sys which is part of AVG Anti-virus.

I would start by uninstalling AVG and using the built-in Windows Defender for awhile, see if that helps. If yes, stay with Defender (that's what I use) or try a different AV program.

If that doesn't help then you can try using Clean Boot to see if something starting at boot is causing the problem.
How to Perform a Clean Boot in Windows 10 to Troubleshoot Software Conflicts

Upon searching for that file, found out that it was part of Avira instead of AVG (weird), uninstalled. Now on Defender for now and will be observing it. Thing is, It was only recently that I went back to Avira but BSOD has been happening for longer.


Try the clean boot then, see what that shows you.

Any clues from the dump files regarding ntoskrnl indicate which driver or hardware is causing it?

No unfortunately.

Looking at your device drivers, I do see one really old one.

2008/08/05 01:35:44 PM ??C:WINDOWSsystem32epmntdrv.sys

I believe this belongs to EaseUS Partition Master. I suggest uninstalling the program. If you need it, download and install the latest version available:

One dump I looked at indicated a Memory Management Bugcheck 1A problem.

What is the make and full model number of the computer? I see it has a ASrock mainboard. Have you updated the BIOS or installed the latest chipset driver for the make and model of your computer?

Done removing EaseUS Partition Master. Will probably just download a new one when I need it.

My system is custom built. ASrock H61M-HVS mobo with i7 2600 CPU and 2x4 DDR3 RAM. Kinda old but still good. Already has the latest BIOS and chipset drivers installed as well.

A lot of the bugcheck was storage or memory related which I previously thought could either be a HDD/RAM problem. But already replaced my ageing HDD and RAM passed Memtest. The only "storage" I could think of is that of the GPU. There were a lot of instances before that the screen gets garbled even that of the BSOD screen. I do not know though of any app to test the GPU memory with.

Daily Random BSOD for a Year Now...HELP!