
Aeroglass 1.4.5 compatible build 10586

Good news

Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.4.5 provides support for Windows 10 up to build 10586.
Aero Glass for Windows 8.x+
bye bye debug window .... just the watermak

I get "this file not supposed to be opened by user" when executing ?

Been running it on build 10586...Love it!
ddinc, once you install the software, it will run automatically. aerohost is not supposed to be ran like an .exe file. The install will create a task that runs it when needed. You should only have to reboot after install and the rest is automatic.

Why does it keep giving me my machine's code?

Don't forget it's a donaware ( see homepage support tab )

I got rid of pop up and watermark accepting that but it's quite reasonable for the hard work I suppose

machine code seems similar as windowblinds soft from stardock - against piracy ..

I now have a fully working aeroglass without annoying things lol

Using it with "aeroglassGUI" all is perfect ( win 10 pro 10586.39 )

Sorry to resurrect this thread, but it's the most applicable one I think. 6 months after everything else, I've been upgraded to version 1511 build 10586.218. I've reinstalled aero glass and it's giving me the red box about not understanding the version of DWM. I tried downloading debug symbols and putting the .pdb file in the symbols directory but it didn't seem to help much.


Maybe you could have some symbols folder corrupted as I had before get it to work...

and still working under 10586.218 build x64 .

Hi Maybe you could have some symbols folder corrupted as I had before get it to work... and still working under 10586.218 build x64 .
I downloaded the symbols from the microsoft symbols package web page, but I'm not sure which set to get (as there's 32/64 bit and retail or checked). And then when you unpack those the pdb files are inside directories with a pdb extension so I'm guessing a bit as to what goes where, and likely getting it wrong. Any advice gratefully received.

Here is a link where I got them and made aeroglass work fine



Just curious, what is so enticing about Aeroglass? I just never got that excited about it - is there something I'm missing?

Aeroglass 1.4.5 compatible build 10586