If I am not mistaken, this build is to become the anniversary update.
If I install it now, will it turn into a stable build, or will I have to reinstall?
and is it a good idea to do this?
If you install it, and 14393 turns out to be final build which is very likely, then you will not need to reinstall. New isos should be available on or soon after Aug 2nd anyway.
I updated both my mother-in-law and daughter's computers to 14393.0 from the ISO file I created from my insider computer. Neither of their computers or their accounts have ever been on the insider program. After the manual update, their computers pulled the cumulative update to 14393.5 from the regular Windows update channel. I expect that their computers will do absolutely nothing on August 2 other then normal updates to Windows defender and any new cumulative update that comes out.
I downloaded a ISO and selected to download updates before install.
In the update stage, it got stuck at 99%.
Is it better to run setup as is, and let it update after installation?
I always run setup as is, and do updates afterwards. No problems.
Same here.
I have Kaspersky Total Security and VoodooShield installed.
Is it enough to exit them before updating, or should I go so far as to uninstall ?
I can export settings.
If it were my computer, I would uninstall them and never reinstall them. I would recommend uninstalling them for the upgrade at least.
you use WD and that's it?
It's all I've ever used. Well, WD and a healthy dose of common sense. Well, WD, common sense, and regular backups