
Only shows programs not apps

I decided to use windows 10 OS in my organization, but the problem is Windows Start Menu. Is it possible to modify default start menu for all computer local and domain users? I dont want to see news, finances, xbox etc tiles in start menu each time when new user will login to PC. I want to create the same start menu myself for every user. Thanks

Hello Fanzal, and welcome to windowssh blog.

Once you have the Start layout how you like it, you can pick up at step 2 in the tutorial below to specify a Start layout for all users in Windows 10 as well.

Start Screen Layout - Specify Default in Windows 8.1

Hope this helps.

Thanks, the problem party solved. Not so good as i wanted but much better than before

This solution solved my problem partly. After that user cannot change or pin programs to start layout. Of course i can make Not configured as it was before but then another new user will get default windows start menu again...

I suppose it depends on how often you create new accounts.

If not to often, then you could keep the .xml file for the custom profile saved on the computer, and only enable the policy before added a new account, then set the policy back to "Not configured" after they sign in for the first time.

Of course this would also undo all the other accounts' changes to their Start layout.

This solution solved my problem partly. After that user cannot change or pin programs to start layout. Of course i can make Not configured as it was before but then another new user will get default windows start menu again...
Hi Fanzal, to let users modify the Start, you have to un-check read-only on the file.

Open Command Promt as Admin. then copy and paste this.
Export-StartLayout -Path 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml' -verbose
Import-StartLayout -LayoutPath 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml'-MountPath c: -verbose
del 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml' -verbose

Thanks, the problem party solved. Not so good as i wanted but much better than before

Open Command Promt as Admin. then copy and paste this.
Export-StartLayout -Path 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml' -verbose
Import-StartLayout -LayoutPath 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml'-MountPath c: -verbose
del 'C:usersAll UsersDesktopcustomlayout.xml' -verbose

When I tried this (and thank you for posting), it shows programs I had put in the Start menu, but not Windows/Modern/Metro apps.

Any suggestions?

Original start menu that was exported:

How it looks when imported and logged in as a different user:

My guess would be that those apps weren't installed for the new users. When you add an app with the Microsoft store it only installs it for the user that added it. I have never had to add a provisioned package for my users, but I think this page might help you out. I think the top example on the bottom of the page will get you on the right track.

trimbleGU, thanks very much for shining a new light on my issue. I'm going to check it out now and will let you know!

Only shows programs not apps