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first time OC using precision X on EVGA 650ti boost
first time OC using precision X 16 on EVGA 650ti boost 1187 / 1668 are some figures I got, presumably for the GPU clock / MEM clock, as I said this is all new to me so finding my feet.
Looking for an OC step by step guide. I also set the power setting to 110% I am told this is to allow the GPU to pull more power, so not sure how to determine what figure to set this to.
the fan cooling is presently on auto and running currently at 35oC. Current advice about increasing voltages appears to be to,leave it alone, as it can reduce the life of the GPU, but increasing slightly allows the Core speeds to be increased, apparently. Also not sure if there should be a ration between MEM and GPU clock speeds, or how to determine which to increase first / more, as I said a guide would be so very handy.
Geforce experience is meant to adjust the game settings depending on GPU ability, so these settings should increase as the OC succeeds...I assume.. any help would really be appreciated thanks
Have a look here. Take it slow in small increments and you should be fine
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Hi thanks had a look, a lot different to precision X which is considered the best, would love a tutorial for this utility, don't suppose I will be lucky.
precision x works pretty much the same, just a different interface
I can't alter the temperature on my GPU , the top pale blue radial shows a white and red marker, which are GPU base and overclock markers, doesn't seem to move when settings changed maybe it's just an image the MEM clock doesn't appear to have a radial or white and red markers, assume it works differently to GPU clock speed, then there is a radial for temperature in OC and oF ( oF for the American users )... At least I learnt one think today...to do GPU clock first until limit reached, then do MEM clock.....but as my GPU is described as ' boost ' and superclocked I am not sure how much room I have to manoeuvre.... tried Offsets of 60 and 160 which appeared stable in the OC scanner, but will start again increments as suggested.
The white marker is your base clock and your red marker is the boost clock. If you click on the little image just to the left and slightly above the GPU temp target, it will lock your power target and GPU temp target together. You can change the 'Priority' pointer to give priority to either the Clock speed or the temp. I get better results using the Temp priority. See how high you can go without increasing the Voltage. Then start increasing the clock speeds and slightly increasing the voltage until you get a feel for it. Typically, a factory overclocked model Will not overclock as well as a non overclocked model. Much of the overclocking headroom is already taken, but it will usually end up in close to the same place for either.
Your first post says you have a 650TI but the Precision X you are showing says a GTX 980.
You can also check on the EVGA blog. They have an excellent forum with some very experienced people there.
thank you, this is a stock image not mine, will try and get a snapshot later and post... I am told the EVGA OC scanner stresses the GPU far more than games would normally do..
It does pretty good. Try the Ungine Heaven benchmark. It is what a lot of pople use.