So, I've been on windows 10 for at least 6 months now, I've had the occasional crash and BSOD but nothing like whats been happening recently. I was getting all kinds of System Service exceptions and I decided to reinstall windows 10 to see if that would correct the problem ( assuming the problem was malware or just a broken registry). So after a clean install of windows 10 and reinstalling all of my drivers (the ones I could find.), ive been getting these IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD and the occasional System service exception. I ran a Memtest86 last night for 10 hours to see if it was my memory but it came back with no errors in the RAM its self. Im not overclocking anything and my bios settings are all very reasonable.
The BSODs have been happening when the computer is under a high load; playing a game, using a docker or Virtual box program etc. If anyone could look at my log files and give me an idea of whats going on I would appreciate it. If it is hardware related I think it has something to do with my 2nd harddrive which is about 5-6 years old and extremely slow but Chkdsk came up with nothing when I ran it earlier.
Edit: just one more thing to add, I ran driver verifier on all my non-Microsoft drivers with I/O verification, force pending I/O requests and Logging enabled but nothing has crashed yet (its been about 5 hours).
On another forum, Tom's hardware, a guy suggested that the problem was with my Razor keyboard driver. I followed his instructions and removed the razor keyboard service and driver and installed the synaptic program. Everything seemed to be ok for a while but then it crashed again, this time with a system_service_exception. I tried to run verifier again but this time with more stuff enabled and was stuck in a boot loop as a result of windows not being able to verify my sata controller driver. I can upload the latest dmp file but this is starting to get a little annoying.
Please do NOT request help on multiple blog to prevent suggestions colliding against each other making your system only more unstable.
I built this computer and work as a developer for a living. There is nothing wrong with getting opinions. I understand that most of the troubleshooting that you do on a windows machine (or any machine for that matter) is an approximation because no other computer in the world could possibly have the same state that mine does. I appreciate the advice but mostly what i wanted was for some one to read the debug files because i don't have the tools on this machine and I haven't ever debugged windows 10. Anyhow, i appreciate the warning but it is unneeded.
I was able to resolve the BSODs that i was having but fixing the corrupted windows files and clearing out some of the dust in my machine. It seems that the original windows installation had become corrupted for whatever reason and when i reinstalled it from scratch the files didn't properly install (in particular the directx9/10 files based on the log). Anyways I will now close this thread.