Hi Craig56708,
I've seen a few things that are either against the forum rules or can make things worse.
The main thing: because your installation is counterfeit we do not provide support until you have clean installed Windows using a genuine activation.
About Driver Booster 3 is just to inform you.
Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
KMS-R@1n c:windowskms-r@1n.exe <ActivePartialProductKey>T83GX</ActivePartialProductKey> <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00331-10000-00001-AA900</ActiveProductKeyPid2> <OSVersion>10.0.10586.2.00010100.0.0.048</OSVersion> <ProductName>Windows 10 Pro</ProductName> <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture> <EditionId>Professional</EditionId> <BuildLab>10586.th2_release_sec.160422-1850</BuildLab> <TimeZone>GMT Standard Time(GMT+01:00)</TimeZone> <ActiveSkuId>2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588</ActiveSkuId> <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENTchannel</ActiveSkuDescription> <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups> <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>08e404fb-41f3-77ac-59ef-6e9f2d3f499d</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId> <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03311-000-000001-03-2057-10586.0000-1482016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx> <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel> <ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>06401-00206-271-170437-03-2057-9600.0000-1242014</ActiveVolumeCustomerPid> <OfflineInstallationId>594402458994566720095811931680330320618670642908142964103521845</OfflineInstallationId> <DomainJoined>false</DomainJoined>
Forum rules
4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).
Please remove all pirated programs and such from your system before we can start troubleshooting.
The Forum rules is meant for everything regarding piracy
- Discussing it,
- Asking for guidance,
- Asking for a crack,
- The use of it,
- Etc.
4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).
Code: idb.iobit.com asc55.iobit.com is360.iobit.com asc.iobit.com pf.iobit.com
Programs that claim to update your drivers install either the wrong or corrupted drivers.
If you have installed any driver with Driver Booster 3, please remove them as it may cause trouble.