
No BSOD computer shuts down on battery power after 20 minutes

On battery power, my laptop shuts off with no BSOD after 20 minutes of light use (web browsing).
Laptop will not restart on battery power - only when plugged in.
When restarted (plugged in) the battery level shows 85%.

Laptop diagnostics say the battery is fine - 99% charge capacity.
HP diagnostics say the battery is fine.

HP 455 notebook running windows 10 64 bit.
When plugged in, the laptop works perfectly.

I see kernel power error event 41 task 63
  • SENIOR-25_12_2015_211858_20.zip (280.5 KB, 2 views)

Programs that claim to update your drivers install either the wrong or corrupted drivers.
If you have installed any driver with Driver Booster 3, please remove them as it may cause trouble.

Get the battery out of the laptop, set the laptop on the back and try to put the battery back in the laptop.
If properly done, the battery should fall in by itself with little help of pushing the battery in its place

Thanks for your assistance and suggestions.
I will follow through and see if Driver Booster or reinserting the battery make a difference.

A sudden shutdown without charging is usually caused by the battery, either a dead battery or not propery seated.

The system restore most likely will revert back the drivers installed through driver booster 3, but it might also help to install the drivers from HP as that replaces the drivers.

No answer through PM, because this may help others too that are experiencing the same problem

I suspect the battery might be the problem, but why do my system diagnostics and HP diagnostics both say that the battery is fine?

I hate to buy a new battery and discover it is not the source of my problem.

Are these battery diagnostic results questionable?

What system diagnostic is it you mean?

I do suspect more that it is a simple battery seating problem then a dead battery.

Safe Mode diagnostics of the battery from windows 10 - says 99% charge capacity , no problem

and HP Support Assistant has a battery diagnostic function - "green" , no problem

both say the battery is fine - so either they are unreliable, or there´s something else going on

but I´m no expert, so I welcome your thoughts

I have removed and put the battery back in place to check on the battery seating - no change

Please check the connections of the battery and laptop.
Prefered a photo of it for uploading, simply make sure it is not dusty, damaged or durty.

here are a couple of pics - the connections look perfect to me

How is the connection of the battery?

No BSOD computer shuts down on battery power after 20  minutes