

Hi, i'm getting random BSOD erros, on a new computer. I already ran the memtest 86, no erros, and i can't seem to solve the problem. Here is the dump files...
  • ArthurDumpFiles.rar (123.8 KB, 1 views)

Please follow the instructions posted at the top of all BSOD threads.

i've run DM log collector
  • DESKTOP-U55DTQ3-01_05_2016_190132,84.zip (417.5 KB, 3 views)

How new is the computer (how old is it)? Is there a manufacturer and full model number you can provide or is this a custom built computer?

Nothing showing in the dumps as far as a cause. Your BIOS is old though which is surprising in a new computer:

Versão/data do BIOS American Megatrends Inc. V1.5, 22/07/2014

At least I think that is what that line means, BIOS Version/Date.

I see many newer BIOS versions here: Support For Z97M-G43 | MSI USA | Motherboard - The world leader in motherboard design

I'm looking at the English version of the web site, check tio make sure the Spanish version shows the same. If so try the latest BIOS: 2016-02-16 Version 1.C

axe0 or Arc, please check and make sure I'm not going off the deep end here, thanks.

Thanks for the reply! I speak portuguese actually, but I understand english fine, haha.. The pc has less than one month ( it is a custom built computer), and I didn't know how to see my BIOS version (and yes, that line says the version and date of version...) i'll look for updating my BIOS then. I was holding a bit because i never updated it in any computer, so i kinda new to it, but thanks! It might be the problem!

This looks like a counterfeit installation to me. Why? the kms-r @1n.exe file is normally not present in the root directory of Windows, it isn't a critical file else I would have seen it more often on more different systems and I have seen it only present on counterfeit installations.
Besides of that, the kind of activation below is only used by organizations and I don't assume the OP is part of an organization.

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.
I recommend to install a genuine copy of Windows.
If, after you have installed a genuine copy of Windows, you still get BSOD's we'll be happy to assist you.
KMS-R@1n c:windowskms-r@1n.exe    <ActivePartialProductKey>VCFB2</ActivePartialProductKey>   <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00328-10000-00001-AA471</ActiveProductKeyPid2>   <OSVersion>10.0.10586.2.00010100.0.0.121</OSVersion>   <ProductName>Windows 10 Education</ProductName>   <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture>   <EditionId>Education</EditionId>   <BuildLab>10586.th2_release_sec.160328-1908</BuildLab>   <TimeZone>Hora oficial do Brasil(GMT-03:00)</TimeZone>   <ActiveSkuId>e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e</ActiveSkuId>   <ActiveSkuDescription>Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel</ActiveSkuDescription>   <ProductUniquenessGroups>55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f</ProductUniquenessGroups>   <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>a78efef0-d217-6b35-4d97-026738970b19</ActiveProductKeyPKeyId>   <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>03612-03281-000-000001-03-1046-10586.0000-1112016</ActiveProductKeyPidEx>   <ActiveProductKeyChannel>Volume:GVLK</ActiveProductKeyChannel>   <ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>06401-00206-271-330287-03-1046-9600.0000-1062014</ActiveVolumeCustomerPid>   <OfflineInstallationId>062164279364028738913314946197071564928402809636243429405733681</OfflineInstallationId>   <DomainJoined>false</DomainJoined>
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