Been using my external hard drive for about a year with no problem. Plugging in hard drive now causes an immediate BSOD with error code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (NTFS.SYS). Computer won't successfully restart until external hard drive is removed. Hard drive is 2TB Transcend.
The first thing I see is you are way behind on WindowsUpdates. You are at 10240. The current version is 1056.318.
Please install all Windows Updates then test and see if the problem is resolved or not.
The dumps all point to NTFS.sys which makes sense since the problem occurs when you connect the external drive.
I suggest running the manufacturers diagnostic for the drive if you can find one. Transcend
If no luck finding a drive diag there, try these:
7 Free Hard Drive Testing Programs
Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
Bootable Hard Drive Diagnostics
Also try contacting their technical support from the link I posted above.
You need some way to connect the drive without getting the BSOD. Maybe boot a WindowsPE disc and try checking it (chkdsk /r) from there. A good way to do this is here:
See here: Windows 10 Recovery Tools - Bootable Rescue Disk from KYHI
It allows you access to a non-working system - and provides a visual means to repair the system You would have to download the ISO and then burn it to USB or CD to create a bootable WinPE disk.
Alright, starting with the updates, they seem to be stuck at 0% and downloading. Tried the fixit tool from the microsoft support website and tried using command prompt to manually stop the updater.
Edit: Got everything to update to latest version, no change in BSOD issue. Tried Ext Hard Drive in friends computer, same model, same issue.
If you can't access the drive then there is no way to run any tools or diagnostics to try to repair it.
What happens if you power the computer off, connect the drive then power on?
Does it still hang the system?
If drive is connected at startup, PC starts straight into BSOD.
Drive is USB3, are you connecting it to a USB3 port or a USB2 port? Have you tried other ports on your computer?
I've connected it to every port and they'really all usb 3.0, I believe.
I'm afraid the drive is a lost cause.
Since just connecting it locks up the computer, there is no way to do anything with it.
How important is the data on the drive? If it's critical then you can send it to a data recovery business. I've heard prives rangign from $750 to over $1000 for the service. These businesses will replace the electronic s of the drive or remount the physical disc platters in a new enclosure then try to recovery the data on the drive. Requires a clean room and some pretty pricey equipment to do this.
I don't have any names to give you though.