I just recently upgraded from an earlier build of Windows 10 to the latest build 11099. That went okay. But the problem was when I decided to extend the system partition (as it had only 3GB free left), after rebooting to extend the partition with MiniTool Partition Wizard (it required me to reboot so it could unlock the partition). That seemed like it went okay too, but after restarting, I would get a BSOD and no boot up at all. It seems like the partition extension has messed up the boot files. I say that because a folder named "$WINDOWS.~BT" has been created in the root directory of the system drive. (Now it's drive G: because I'm on another system in another partition temporarily).
And some other folder as well:
So my question is this. Since I have all these boot files here, could it possibly be that while the partition was being extended, the software I used might have messed up those files, and now my Windows doesn't boot up?
If so, or whatever the reason for that matter, is there anything I can do to take those boot files back to where they belong? I'm not gonna do any experiments myself that's why I came to ask the experts for guidance. Please tell me how should I behave in this situation. If you need more info I'm ready to provide.
What error did you get when trying to boot?
Do you have any backups before extending the C drive? If I were you, I would backup the whole hard drive before using partition software like minitool partition wizard or Easeus partition master.
All is says in the BSOD message is "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION"
Please upload the dumps from G:Windowsminidump if there are any files.
To upload the dumps, select them > right click > copy > zip and upload the zip.
I tried to find them, but it seems that folder has been deleted! I can try to restore it with another software like Recuva etc, but is it necessary? Can the issue be found also if I send the new weird folders that have appeared? I can do that.
I never do that. It consumes so much time that it is inconvenient enough to not be worth doing it. At least for me.
AND, I doubt I would be able to restore a bootable system from that backup.
If that folder contains the dumps from the crashes, else it is not of much use.