Over the Christmas peroid, I installed a new graphics card and a SSD. I also put on Windows 10, clean install, not an upgrade.
Since then however, my machine has been flakey, sometimes when I'm using it, it will just stop responding, if I have music playing, it will keep going, and I can also move the mouse, but I can't click on anything, alt-tab, CTRL-ALT-DEL don't work at all. I can't seem to make the fault happen on demand, but it generally happens when I'm on the desktop, just browsing the net, it has happened a few times in game, but they are in the minority.
However today I got my 1st BSOD, my machine was on, but wasn't doing anything, I was afk watching a film, when I came back I got a "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (dxgmms2.sys)" BSOD.
My hardware is a few years old and my CPU is overclocked, it's a 2.8ghz, running at 4.0ghz, but all my problems have started since I installed the new hardware and also put on Windows 10. Before that my system was rock solid.
Did you connect the SSD to your Marvell Satacontroller.
There are many problems with SSD and these controllers.(Google it)
Also there are no windows 10 drivers and your drivers are from 2012
Advice: if you have the possibility to connect the SSD to a other Satacontroller (intel etc.) do it.(check your mobo manual).
Also your Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller has a driver from 2013. If possible update to a windows 10 driver or try the latest driver avaliable.
Thanks for the reply, I've moved both my hard drive over from the Marvell connectors to the intel. I'll see how it goes now, shame it's so unpredictable, had 2 days with not a problem. I starting using the Marvell because the manual says they run at 6gb/s where as the intel run at 3gb/s. I know my machine is old, but is it worth looking into a SATA 3 controller card?
All i know is that marvell 6 gb speed is hypothetical and in the real world the speed is not so much higher (around 380mb)than the Intel Sata II.(around 300mb)And the Marvell SATA6 ports weren't that much faster than the Intel SATA3 ports.For some background info see this article Is A SATA 3Gb/s Platform Still Worth Upgrading With An SSD? Is A SATA 3Gb/s Platform Still Worth Upgrading With An SSD? - Are SSDs Still The Most Noticeable PC Upgrade?Marvell Sata 6 are a little faster than intel Sata 3 and do support TRIM... But they are still poo and get completely destroyed by intel SATA 6.Most affordable PCIe controler cards are often using marvell controllers and use pci or pcie x1 or x2 slots that limits the speed.I know my machine is old, but is it worth looking into a SATA 3 controller card?
For faster speeds you need expensive PCIe x4 or PCI x8 controller cards.
For more background info read this thread .
Again thanks for the help.
Guess I'll put it off till the next round of upgrades.