BSOD on Surface pro 4 Core M "Kernel_security_check_failure"
Tried many times clean installs etc. etc.
Could it be hardware ? (SSD)
I hope someone is able to analyze the minidump files.
Hi alternae11,
Please check your VPN software for updates.
OpenVPN uses a driver, tap0901, that is old.I would recommend, unless highly necessary, to not use VPN software while troubleshooting.Code:tap0901 Thu Aug 22 14:40:01 2013(521606a1) tap0901.sys
VPN software causes problems with the networking on an unstable system what could make things worse.
Thank you very much.
I did a fresh install and installed OPENVPN client seconds later..
Did another Fresh install this time without OPENVPN.
Let's see what happens.
You think this OPENVPN software (tab901) could have caused the BSOD ??
It is difficult to say, no drivers were flagged which is why I checked for old drivers.
This driver was the only driver not in 2015.
It was indeed the OPENVPN Tab Driver.
What have you done to fix it? Removed or updated?
I'm sure there will be others wanting to know that so they can fix it too
I have uninstalled the OPENVPN software and I am using the built in VPN solution from Windows 10 now.
Since 3 weeks I haven't seen this BSOD Message anymore.
I'm glad to hear that