
BSOD when gaming

Hello, recently i've started to get random BSOD again when playing some specific games, usually it just goes with sound lag and then to BSOD, I would appriciate any help related to this issue.
The app didnt create zip so i made it my self with all the files!
Thanks in advance!

Please read the instructions here: Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions

Your missing quite a few files in the rar you uploaded. Please don't put the files in a rar, the DM_Log_collector puts all of them in a zip file which is what we want here. What I expect to see is the following:
all_services_status.txt autorun.txt drivers.txt driver_status.txt dxdiag.txt eventlog.txt Genuine.txt hosts.txt hotfix.txt inactive_services_status.txt installed.txt ipconfig.txt msinfo32.nfo ProcessList.txt services.txt startup.txt systeminfo.txt tasklist.txt uninstall.txt updatelog.txt
plus one or more .dmp files. Pleaase run it again and upload the resulting zip file. Meanwhile I'll look at some of the dumps.

Quite a few of the later dumps are empty:

06/12/2016  01:05 PM           388,340 061216-38781-01.dmp 06/12/2016  12:59 PM                 0 061216-46312-01.dmp06/14/2016  07:30 PM           398,988 061416-30734-01.dmp 06/23/2016  12:59 PM           386,372 062316-20515-01.dmp 06/23/2016  12:43 PM                 0 062316-28406-01.dmp06/24/2016  05:52 PM           386,356 062416-21671-01.dmp 06/24/2016  05:21 PM                 0 062416-27062-01.dmp 06/25/2016  12:25 PM                 0 062516-20078-01.dmp 06/25/2016  12:29 PM                 0 062516-20703-01.dmp06/25/2016  12:37 PM           386,452 062516-20953-01.dmp 06/25/2016  12:27 PM                 0 062516-20984-01.dmp 06/25/2016  12:32 PM                 0 062516-22656-01.dmp 06/25/2016  11:36 AM                 0 062516-23703-01.dmp

Why are you running with Driver Verifier enabled?

If you want to use it to stress your drivers, please follow the instructions here, and never for more than 48 hours.

Driver Verifieris a diagnostic tool built into Windows 10, it is designed to verify both native Microsoft drivers and third party drivers. Driver Verifier'sverification process involves putting heavy stress on drivers with the intention of making bad, outdated, incompatible or misbehaving drivers fail. The required result is a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) which will generate a crash dump for debugging purposes.
Machines exposed to Driver Verifierwill run very sluggishly due to the stress being applied to the drivers.

Driver Verifier - Enable and Disable in Windows 10

Pay close attention to
and make sure the correct boxes are checked.

It is not advised to run Driver Verifierfor more than 48 hours at a time. Disable Driver Verifier after 48 hours or after receiving a BSOD, whichever happens soonest.

Alwayscreate a Restore Point prior to enabling Driver Verifier.

What we're looking for is a BSOD with a mini dump that will tell us what driver caused it.

GPU driver was the issue apparently, solved the issue, thanks!

Great, glad you got it fixed.

BSOD when gaming