I am a having problen that can not complete (Install) "th2_release Professional 10525" with 0x80240031 error.
I have tried so may time to install but never success and error message is always 0x80240031.
I am "Windows Insider Program" member and updated from Windows 8.1 professional to WIndows 10 professional.
Would appriceated very much if any one can give me any suggestion for this problem. BR, Yukio
I do have files and holders in $Windows.~BT holder when download but still never completed to install build 10525. May be still missing file (s) or holder (s)>
Hi Yufuru and welcome to windowssh blog.
Please have a look in your $Windows.~BT folder, and look for Sources folder. In Sources folder, look for file install.esd.
If you have this install.esd file, you can use it to create an ISO of the upgrade build. Then, you can mount the ISO from within your current build, run setup.exe, and update that way.
Here are instructions to create ISO from ESD file:
ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File - Windows 10 blog
I would also add "How to Create a USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 10" to that list; instructions here:
USB Flash Drive - Create to Install Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
And also add to the list "How to Clean Install Windows 10"; Instructions here:
Windows 10 - Clean Install - Windows 10 blog
Hmmm, maybe we need a sticky that would give links to the basics; to both the Video and Tutorial.
Whaddaya think, Simrick?
Most definitely!
Hello simrick, Thank you so much for your help. I have found "install.esd" in Source folder therefore followed ESD to ISO to create bootable ISO file however had error. (Seee attached for detailed)
Is any idea what might be causing this error?
Yufuru, can you give us the first pages of this?
Without seeing your first pages, I can't tell what may have gone wrong. However, one question I might ask is after you clicked on the tool, did you choose 1?
I'm working from memory here, so I may not have things in order.
I think it was #2.
HUH. I just clicked 1 and did a successful build. Are you copying the esd files and pasting into another folder?
Thank you for your attention and help.
YES, I am choosing 1. Please see attached for 1st page and 2nd.