I have tried installing Bitdefender total security 2014 from both disk and from there website. It does not seem to want to work yet.
does anyone have the same problem?
i shall continue using malwarebytes which i shall buy full next year after my BD subs are finished in june/15
I had bitdefender working with the first TP of Win10 and I just downloaded the latest free edition of bitdefender and it works just fine in Win10TP 9860. It could be that the 2014 version is not compatible with Win10.
[QUOTE=BunnyJ;165538]I had bitdefender working with the first TP of Win10 and I just downloaded the latest free edition of bitdefender and it works just fine in Win10TP 9860. It could be that the 2014 version is not compatible with Win10. [/QUOTE
By the time win 10 is releasesd my subscription to BD will have probebly expired and shall not re-subscribe i have found it wanting and the support forum is WELL!!! i shall stick with Malwarebytes for now, its got me out trouble on a lot of machines that have had terrible malware and trojan infestations that a lot of anti virus programs could not (Free and subscribed) detect or cure.
Bitdefender FREE works,
probobly as it is an AV only, none of the extra features are included.
You can uninstall your 2014 version, download the 2015 version and use your key code and it will work with the same number of days left on your activation. I have been using Bitdefender Internet Security 2015 on Windows 10 with no problems.
Bingo commodore pet,
This solution is working: You need to download the FREE TRIAL 2015version:Register as normal after installation and it does indeed give your full remaining subscription days.
It is now doing a full system scan.
Thank you Commodore Pet.
My Total Security Bitdefender 2015 work just fine in Win10TP 9860, However with the latest build 10160 it shows it is unavailable. Any Ideas? I have 260 days left on it. I tried to uninstall and reinstall but could not do it????
Have you tried the free trial download as commadore pet sugested?.
Thanks for the quick reponse
No, But I will try when I get out of work this afternoon. Is the free one on Bit Defenders home website where I purchased the one I have now?
I have Bitdefender Total Security 2015 running on my Windows 10 PC now and it's fine but I can't install other Antivirus programs apart from these 3 work, Avira, Avast and Bitdefender...