
Add Snipping Tool

Is it possible to add the Snipping tool to the Desktop right click menu?

Thanks Z

Good question..
How to Add Any Application to the Windows Desktop Right-Click Menu

Tried and set up.. result:

Thanks Bunny J I will give it a go,have Great day.

Thanks Bunny J I will give it a go,have Great day.
You as well.. and thanks for that question.. I will make use of that.

If that doesn't work you can assign a key shortcut to it easily: Assign a Shortcut Key to the Snipping Tool in Windows

If that doesn't work you can assign a key shortcut to it easily: Assign a Shortcut Key to the Snipping Tool in Windows
Sorry,, but you can't do that with Win10.

Sorry,, but you can't do that with Win10.
Oh? OK! I usePicPick that Dino(topgundcp) interduced me to(great tool for posting.

Sorry,, but you can't do that with Win10.
Sure it works in Windows 10. Just tried it. However, you need to hit twice with whatever you assign a key for.
In addtition, instead messing around with registry, just download: Context Menu Tuner
and you can add anything to context menu.
Hilite "Add Custom Item" on the left, hilite an item on the right to select where the context menu applied to then click "Add->Add to selected Item" then select snipping tool

Is it possible to add the Snipping tool to the Desktop right click menu?

Thanks Z
I just wrote this.. SnippingTool.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellSnippingTool]  @="&Snipping Tool"    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellSnippingToolcommand]  @="C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe"
1. Save code into file: SnippingTool.reg
2. Run and it will add the Snipping Tool to the desktop right click.


Cool Jeff great job!

Add Snipping Tool