
Latest Norton Products for Windows 10

Norton Security, Norton Security with Backup, Norton Internet Security, Norton 360,Norton Antivirus and Norton Security Suite

New version released today. Nov 25


I was using NIS 21.0 on Windows 8.1. I had to reinstall the AV after updating to Windows 10, but I can say that the performance impact of NIS is significantly reduced. Finally.

Just installed this new Norton update, has a brand new look, seems to work just fine. I have used Norton Security for years, has always worked fine for me and has done a excellent job at protecting my system.

For the new 22.5 versions under Help there is a link to the new product manual in PDF format.


That update number seems kinda old my Norton 360 is

That update number seems kinda old my Norton 360 is
That was then, this is now. My NS is at

That was then, this is now. My NS is at
When I booted up my Windows 10 Pro this morning, Word Man, my Nortons was gone!! AND windows firewall is back on?? Guess their is a problem AFTER Norton updates itself.....??

Update: After finding out Norton was gone, and Windows firewall was running, I rebooted again, this time Norton came back on. This is darn strange. Seems since installing this TH2 I am beginning to see more problems as time goes on.

Also after being on chat with a Norton rep this morning Word Man, the latest version for Norton 360 Premier is So I can only assume your Norton must be a different version than mine, that would explain the different version numbers.

Also after being on chat with a Norton rep this morning Word Man, the latest version for Norton 360 Premier is So I can only assume your Norton must be a different version than mine, that would explain the different version numbers.
That's a correct assumption, OldMike. Mine is Norton Security, not 360. I was commenting more about the fact that the OP version numbers quoted were from 3.5 months ago and, hence, not surprisingly, "kinda old". Didn't mean to confuse the issue.

I haven't seen and hope not to see the kind of behavior you're reporting.

That's a correct assumption, OldMike. Mine is Norton Security, not 360. I was commenting more about the fact that the OP version numbers quoted were from 3.5 months ago and, hence, not surprisingly, "kinda old". Didn't mean to confuse the issue.

I haven't seen and hope not to see the kind of behavior you're reporting.
Yeah I hear you, didn't have any problems right after the TH2 upgrade, then after a few days go by, I seem to notice more small problems. I have also read that others are also seeing strange problems too. And now of course MS taking down the TH2 updates from most all their servers, kinda makes one wonder just what the heck is going on. Like if you download MCT right now, its only for the old version of Windows 10. But if you still have the newer version of MCT it still works.
Anyhow, Take care Word Man.

Latest Norton Products for Windows 10