
Show storage space in This PC

I am really missing the ability to easily see how much storage space is left on each of my drives. Why is this not easily seen just by opening "This PC" like it was in Windows 7. It seems like I have to click on properties in order to see disk usage. Any way to get around this?

Open windows explorer (should be that little folder icon on the taskbar if you haven't gotten rid of it). Once opened select "This PC" from the left hand side. It should give you what you're looking for. Now I just need to figure out how to have it bring me here by default....

OK, I just figured out how to get it to bring you to "This PC" be default. Open windows explorer as before, and go to "View" at the top. Select "Options" on the far right. Under the "General" tab (selected by default) there is a drop down menu at the top. Use that to select "This PC" Now every time you open windows explorer, it will give you the over view of your disk drives! This actually makes me quite happy, because I didn't realize how much it was bugging me till I looked into it. lol.

This is what I am seeing, I already had the settings you mentioned above

Looks like have large icons selected in View settings for one, go back to Tiles

Looks like have large icons selected in View settings for one, go back to Tiles
That was the problem, thanks! I didn't even realize that

That was the problem, thanks! I didn't even realize that
Your welcome, i did right away !!

I can't get This PCto show the storage space bars for my drives and I've done all that's been suggested in this thread.
Any ideas why I might not be able to make the storage space bars show?

I can't get This PCto show the storage space bars for my drives and I've done all that's been suggested in this thread.
Any ideas why I might not be able to make the storage space bars show?

Make sure you have the "Tiles" option selected in the "View" tab.

Make sure you have the "Tiles" option selected in the "View" tab.
Yes, I have done this and still the bars do not display, see screenshot below.

Show storage space in This PC