I use Chrome as my default browser but all existingInternet shortcut icons do not show the default icon. I have set Chrome as my default browser and have set .url's to open with Internet Browser (if set to chrome.exe you don't get a web page, you get text but you do get all shortcuts with the correct icon). I have made all applicable registry default icons pointing to c;program files(x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe,0. I have cleared the icon cache and still cannot change existing shortcut icons.
I have searched the Internet for an answer. I know I can change them individually and that would take a long, long time. New shortcuts appear correctly.
How to do this perhaps with a batch file or a VB script.
Hi, how did you set it as your default?
What happens if you click on a URL or internet shortcut.. does Chrome open?
Have you tried searching the forum? Here's what I found with
Chrome default browser
Solved Can't make Chrome default browser, only msEdge - Windows 10 blog
I made it default from control panel. I'm looking to make all existing shortcut icons use the default icon which would be the typical Chrome icon not make it my default browser.
I know; have you looked at #5 in the link I posted?
Several people with your problem said that worked for them.
The link you posted has to do with Edge and setting a custom home page. I know how to do that so maybe I am missing something in your post.
Agreed, but if you read it carefully in context the whole thread is about finding a way to set Chrome as default when normal methods don't seem to work. That post appears to present a non-obvious way to make that happen.
Look at the picture under
The result..............................using www.google.caas my example
I believe that shows that having done that clicking on the URL opened it in Chrome.
Also check this via Control Panel, Default Programs, associations:
- where I have Firefox, you want Chrome.
dalchina I really appreciate your help here. My associations are perfect, I have even checked them in the registry and Internet shortcuts open in Chrome. Chrome IS my default browser. What I can't seem to do is change all existing shortcuts to display the Chrome icon.
Ok, what happens to the shortcut icons if you now make, say, IE your default browser?
And this is what someone did here:
When I make IE my default and make .url open with IE the icons are consistent. When I go back to Chrome as default and .url to Internet Browser I am back to what I had before. Like our friend in the link you provided to Windows 7 if .url is set to chrome.exe the icons are consistent but you get text in a browser window. I rebooted and no joy. I will now uninstall and reinstall Chrome as a last resort.