
how to remove "search the web and windows'' from the task bar

Hi guys;anybody knows how to make the desktop like this in win 10!
i'd like to remove the "search the web and windows'' from the task bar,
i use Chrome so i don't need win search.

To remove search from the task bar right click on the task bar to bring up the menu. left click on properties. click the tools tab. change the " search on the task bar" setting to disabled. click apply and ok. search box is gone.

Hello Silv,

In addition to help with what John posted above.

Search Icon or Box - Show or Remove on Windows 10 Taskbar

Thanks guys; i'm running build 9926 and the first option is not available, and the second it's kinda risky, so i'll wait for future builds maybe MS makes it easier to change,besides it doesn't bother me.

Right click the Task bar, put mouse cursor on search, then choose Disable.

Hello Silv,

In addition to help with what John posted above.

Search Icon or Box - Show or Remove on Windows 10 Taskbar
Thanks guys; i'm running build 9926 and the first option is not available, and the second it's kinda risky, so i'll wait for future builds maybe MS makes it easier to change,besides it doesn't bother me.
This is not available when you do what I and Winuser posted above??

This is not available when you do what I and Winuser posted above??

thanks brink; no i get this when i click task manager.

You click on Searchthat's highlighted in yellow in my screenshot instead. Not "Task Manager". Please read the steps in the tutorial carefully and fully.

Search Icon or Box - Show or Remove on Windows 10 Taskbar - Windows 10 blog

I was wondering why silv55 wasn't getting the option to disable search on the Task Bar.

thanks brink; no i get this when i click task manager.

I told you you , don't get nothing similar to the above options,when i click search i get a box for searching the web

how to remove