
How do I open a VHDX file?

Using Windows 10-64 and Windows backup and restore. I want to view a file that must be contained in a recent backup. I see the apparent backup files as vhdx. I right click to mount the virtual HD and get an error message as shown in the screenshot.

How do I extract a single file from a backup?

Open Disk Management->Action-> Attach VHD and navigate to the .VHDX file. then assign a letter to it.

I try to mount the vhdx and get a message that it's already attached. How do I locate the individual file from the apparently attached vhdx virtual drive? Clicking on the vhdx file presents the error noted in my first post here.

Thanks for your help.

Right click the two Blue drives and assign drive letter

those are the drive image partitions within the VHD

But it's a non-blue drive, drive G Seagate Backup, that contains the backed-up files. Right clicking on that does allow me to change the drive letter if I click through a couple of warnings. But what do I do with the same drive that will presumably still contain the VHDX files that I don't know how to open? Will they then open with with file explorer simply because the drive letter is changed?

Also, if I change the drive letter I presume that I'll then need to go back and reconfigure BU/Restore to find the target for future backups.


You want to assign letters to disk 6 and 7 (cyan color) not disk 5

Okay. So I assume that the newly created drive letter contains the archived version of the disk with the backed up files?

This is different from Windows 7, but I think I can work with it.

Drive 6is notyour boot C: Drive but it is a virtual drive that you attach from the .vhdx file and currently hidden. You need to assign a letter so you can browse thru it. The same for Disk 7

First - sorry for the edit to the #7 post that you probably read before my edits.

Thanks for hanging with me on this. It's a little different from what I'm used to. I'm marking this as solved and will repost if I get totally lost.

Okay. So I assume that the newly created drive letter contains the archived version of the disk with the backed up files?

This is different from Windows 7, but I think I can work with it.
It is always the same as Windows 7.

How do I open a VHDX file?