
network adapter fails to connect after virtual switch setup.

Hello, I have setup Hyper-v on my system but once I setup the virtual switch, my network adapter no longer connects to the Wlan. when I look at network and sharing, it shows the virtual switch but not the real adapter. I followed the steps in the article: Hyper-V virtualization - Setup and Use in Windows 10
How to Setup and Use Hyper-V in Windows 10 for OS Virtualization
Published by Kari
03 Oct 2014.

the network fails everytime .

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance,


When you create a Hyper-V virtual switch, that switch is from thereafter used also by your host to connect to the network.

Let me try to explain this. Here's how the virtual switch manager looks when both wireless and wired external switches have been created:

When Hyper-V external virtual switches are correctly set up, the host will show this:

In the above screenshot you can see that my host computer is connected to the Internet with both a wireless virtual switch (WLAN) and wired switch (LAN). You can tell they are virtual switches from the vEthernet prefix. The host is no longer connecting using its physical adapters but uses insted the virtual switches.

Looking the adapters you can see this:

If I now disable the wireless adapter, the bridge disappears and the wireless virtual switch shows Network cable unplugged:

To put this short: when you have set up an external virtual switch using a wireless adapter, from thereafter your wireless network adapter should never show Connected, nor should it never show a network name. It either shows Enabled, Bridgedor Disabled, Bridged. That's how it should be.

More about Hyper-V virtual switches at our sister site the Eight blog: Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager

You could also check the video in this post, the part about virtual switches starts at 3:20 mark: Solved Windows 10 instructional videos by windowssh blog members - Page 52 - Windows 10 blog


Hello Kari,

I noticed that my vpn is accessing the same ethernet device. Once the vswitch is created, I lose the VPN and the network connection, leading me to think that I may need to create a vswitch using something other than the current adapter. Will look at the video and see if it helps, appreciate your input and any other info you can send my way.



If you use both Hyper-V and VPN, you should always first create the Hyper-V switches and only thereafter set up the VPN connection. Setting up a new Windows PC, this is the order to do stuff:
  • Install Windows
  • Set up Hyper-V
  • Set up the external Hyper-V virtual switch(es)
  • Set up VPN connection

This way the VPN will start using the correct network adapter (an external virtual switch instead of a physical adapter).

network adapter fails to connect after virtual switch setup.