
Windows Icons


Do any of you know of a site that has icons for Windows? Not smilies, but I like 'em.

My problem is that some of the programs/apps on my Quick Launch Bar turn into a plain page rather than the icon it should have. Calculator and Sway are a couple of them.

When I want to "pin" a new program to Quick Launch, I unlock the Taskbar, click on Start>All Apps, right click on the app I want, hover over "More" and choose "Open File Location". From there I can drag the icon to Quick Launch. Then re-lock the Taskbar.

However, there are some apps that don't show "Open File Location"; I can drag and drop those, but invariably, they lose their "logo" and turn into a blank page.

So, I need icons.

This is close.. but may be out of date. Not tried comparing.. I have Win 7 icons mostly..
The Windows 10 icon database

Most Windows Icons are stored in .dll or .exe files such as shell32.dllor imageres.dll
Icon for a Windows Application, open its .exe. For example: firefox.exe
You can download a portable version of Icon Explorer or Portable IcoFx and use to extract whatever icon you need.

However if you're after icons for the apps, that's another matter.. I don't think they'll be in either of the above. At one point I did create a folder of icons for the universal apps for my Classic Shell start menu, but found some icons went blank in due course. I deleted the folder- rather pointless in the end.

Most Windows Icons are stored in .dll or .exe files such as shell32.dllor imageres.dll
Icon for a Windows Application, open its .exe. For example: firefox.exe
You can download a portable version of Icon Explorer or Portable IcoFx and use to extract whatever icon you need.

Thanks, Top Gun!

This is close.. but may be out of date. Not tried comparing.. I have Win 7 icons mostly..
The Windows 10 icon database
Thanks, Dalchina, but I couldn't find what I need there. Maybe it will help others, though.

Thanks, Top Gun!
This is just what I need to adjust my MacOS devices in Windows 10!


Many Windows 10 Icons are actually Glyphs - font character elements that may be rescaled, colored, backgrounded, superimposed, or programmed to appear in sequence to provide animations.

Most of these (if not all) are to be found in the Segoe MDL2 Assets OpenTypefont (C:windowsfontssegmdl2.ttf).

It can be examined with Charmap.exe:

then type cha, wait a second and press enter, and scroll down to select this huge font file.

Huge in terms of contents, not in filesize - and charmapshould be deprecated, and replaced with a modern viewer, because these symbol fonts show too small to be resolved on most systems today.

Better still - see the Cheatsheet:

Segoe MDL2 Assets - Cheatsheet

and Guidelines:

Segoe MDL2 icon guidelines

A bit easier method of getting the icons out of files

Windows Icons