
Tool to remove all unwanted tools and services.

Hi people..

As we all know, the classical Windows XP has a tool.... XpLitePro... to remove áll unwanted software and services you wish to have deleted. XpLite could both remove hiddenprograms/services which are not visible in configuration screen/ remove programs section


Does Windows 10 have such a tool already? I can't hardly wait to remove unwanted stuff..

PC-Decrapifier is one amongst many good tools. Revo Uninstaller free or pro - another utility. Recommend both.

Sorry... PC Decrapifier is by far not a tool such as... XPLitePro

I only see and can remove programs which I can remove easily from the configuration screen.

I really need a tool for windows 10 which I can compare with XpLitePro. To remove hidden programs, services, etcetera

A fast google search and I found this:
XPlite and 2000lite Uninstall Windows components.

I've never used it so I don't know anything about that particular product.

A fast google search and I found this:
XPlite and 2000lite Uninstall Windows components.

I've never used it so I don't know anything about that particular product.
The OP asked;
" Does Windows 10 have such a tool already? "

Where does the old program in your link say it work's for Windows 10 ?

The release notes were last updated Sept. 2008.
XPlite Professional Release Notes.

The OP asked;
" Does Windows 10 have such a tool already? "

Where does the old program in your link say it work's for Windows 10 ?

The release notes were last updated Sept. 2008.
XPlite Professional Release Notes.
What's wrong with giving him an option??

What's wrong with giving him an option??
Its not a valid option if it will not work in Windows 10, is it ?

Revo Uninstaller is a much better option as it will work in Windows 10.
Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download - Uninstall software, remove programs, solve uninstall problems

Its not a valid option if it will not work in Windows 10, is it ?

Revo Uninstaller is a much better option as it will work in Windows 10.
Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download - Uninstall software, remove programs, solve uninstall problems
Read post #3..

Its not a valid option if it will not work in Windows 10, is it ?
Who says it does not work in Windows 10. The fact that they did not update their verbage means nothing.

Its good to see everyone still fighting like we did on the 7 blog

Tool to remove all unwanted tools and services.