Is there currently any know way to change the windows 10 boot logo? I have searched around and found nothing.
Hello Karstenes,
I found this below to change the boot logo in Windows 8/8.1, but I don't know if it'll work in Windows 10.
8oot Logo Changer
If you try it, I would recommend to create a restore point first. This way you could easily do a system restore using this restore point to undo if you have any adverse effects.
System Restore Point - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
System Restore Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
I know there is a hidden bootscreen in Windows 10:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentication > LogonUI > TestHooks
Brink: I am getting errors with 8ootlogochanger, possibly because of a version incompatibility?
Cluster Head: I don't see a TestHooks key, I'm in LogonUI but no TestHooks.
Cluster Head: I don't see a TestHooks key, I'm in LogonUI but no TestHooks.
Sorry, only in German Language.......!
That's a Login Screen:
not there D:
I'm currently using this tweaker
windows 10 login changer 1.3 (last update )
you may give 2 tries before it accepts changes but once done it works well
Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
works like a charm on my win 10 pro X64 release RTM 10240
I used W10 Logon BG Changer.exe ..and works just fine ......took seconds and just logged in and out
Screen Background Image - Change in Windows 10
Thanks for the help everyone, but I think you misunderstood my question. I wanted to change the boot logo (the thing it shows when you turn on the computer (like the windows logo) not the logon background. Again, thanks for the help everyone.