
Change Boot Logo

Is there currently any know way to change the windows 10 boot logo? I have searched around and found nothing.

Hello Karstenes,

I found this below to change the boot logo in Windows 8/8.1, but I don't know if it'll work in Windows 10.

8oot Logo Changer

If you try it, I would recommend to create a restore point first. This way you could easily do a system restore using this restore point to undo if you have any adverse effects.

System Restore Point - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

System Restore Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog


I know there is a hidden bootscreen in Windows 10:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Authentication > LogonUI > TestHooks

Brink: I am getting errors with 8ootlogochanger, possibly because of a version incompatibility?
Cluster Head: I don't see a TestHooks key, I'm in LogonUI but no TestHooks.

Cluster Head: I don't see a TestHooks key, I'm in LogonUI but no TestHooks.

Sorry, only in German Language.......!

Sorry, only in German Language.......!
That's a Login Screen:

not there D:


I'm currently using this tweaker

windows 10 login changer 1.3 (last update )

you may give 2 tries before it accepts changes but once done it works well

Sign-in Screen Background Image - Enable or Disable in Windows 10

works like a charm on my win 10 pro X64 release RTM 10240



I used W10 Logon BG Changer.exe ..and works just fine ......took seconds and just logged in and out

Screen Background Image - Change in Windows 10

Thanks for the help everyone, but I think you misunderstood my question. I wanted to change the boot logo (the thing it shows when you turn on the computer (like the windows logo) not the logon background. Again, thanks for the help everyone.

Change Boot Logo