
went from old vista pc to new windows 10 and cant get any old games

went from old vista pc to new windows 10 and cant get any old games to install and run. Are my games doomed? Bad enough i lost solitaire. My games i bought on cd's dead? microsoft only has their online store crap able to run? I miss morrowind landwarrior oblivion ect ect

did you upgrade or is this new windows 10 computer? There are some games that will work in Windows 10 and some that are not compatable but most games should work. Its mostly the ones in the old games for windows campaign that have issues and also ones that use securom.

Keep Vista in a virtual partition and play them there.

Virtual OS Tutorial - Install, Setup and Operate - Windows 7 Help blog

did you upgrade or is this new windows 10 computer? There are some games that will work in Windows 10 and some that are not compatable but most games should work. Its mostly the ones in the old games for windows campaign that have issues and also ones that use securom.

family bought me this new computer in October- my old one was awesome 10 years ago but been keeping it together with duct tape and chewing gum.

Keep Vista in a virtual partition and play them there.

Virtual OS Tutorial - Install, Setup and Operate - Windows 7 Help blog
+1 Agreed

I have had both Morrowind and Oblivion working fine in win 10, even got Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge working fine.

The problems are probably with the 16bit games.

hmm the old games are 32 bit if i remember correctly-this machine stats are a 64bit system-so does that mean it cant run 32bit programs/games?

hmm the old games are 32 bit if i remember correctly-this machine stats are a 64bit system-so does that mean it cant run 32bit programs/games?

Most software is still 32 bit.

And Solitaire is either included with Windows 10, or it's a free MS Store download. (I can't recall which.) MS Hearts is gone, though.

i found Microsoft solitaire it has to be run through their website each time it runs. Not a stand alone game for those times when my wonderfully reliable time warner internet goes out it wont run. But all the games i ran on my old vista machine through the cd';s and dvd's i paid for and ran on my old machine will not run on this one-a few i get prompts to run as admin which i right click then try but they wont start. Morrowind, Oblivion(which wont even install-install shield just freezes) delta force land warrior, freelancer by microsoft and a cooking cd called one million recipes non of which will run but i can see the program from the cd in the d drive-i must be missing something?

went from old vista pc to new  windows 10 and cant get any old games