
I need Ram-Disk advice .

My system specs are below. I guess the available ram is whats needed ? 8 GB total, 7 usable .

I want to try two things :

1. Set up my Browsers, Chrome and Edge, to save their browsing files to the Ram Disk .

2. Run my Drawing application on the Ram-disk so that its lag free. It always slows down when drawing lines and painting .

I'll post links to Ram-Disk makers I'd like to try for this :

A. Ram-disk, by Dataram. OEM server memory upgrades. Dell, HP, IBM, Sun, Oracle, Windows, SQL Server Memory - Dataram

B. Ram-disk plus - Microsoft Certified RamDisk Solutions ( i been leaning towards this one )

You are better off getting an ssd. I don't think paint programs slow down caching to disk while you are drawing, that would likely be a cpu issue.

You are better off getting an ssd. I don't think paint programs slow down caching to disk while you are drawing, that would likely be a cpu issue.

I cant afford a ssd. Since I have 7 GB of usable Ram, this is a cheaper alternative for the meantime. It could get me to the point where i can get a SSD.
I want to try this . There are not a lot of clear instructions available . What I've see looks promising for what I want to use this for. But since every computer is a bit different, I want some advice how to go about doing that .

Please do not post in multiple sections of the forum as it causes confusion for all involved.

I have never been a fan of a RAMDisk on a modern OS. Modern operating systems have a sophisticated caching system that provides most of the benefits of a RAMDisk with fewer problems. And it is active right out of the box with no configuration necessary. In most cases a RAMDisk is a poor use of memory. You might improve some aspect of performance but overall system performance will suffer.

Please do not post in multiple sections of the forum as it causes confusion for all involved.

I have never been a fan of a RAMDisk on a modern OS. Modern operating systems have a sophisticated caching system that provides most of the benefits of a RAMDisk with fewer problems. And it is active right out of the box with no configuration necessary. In most cases a RAMDisk is a poor use of memory. You might improve some aspect of performance but overall system performance will suffer.

Your right.

seems its not worth doing on my system. since i had a crash from this. i might as well stop while i have a pc left .

You can easily get 256Gb SSD drives for $90 thats not such a big investment anymore

I need Ram-Disk  advice  .