Hello Everyone, well it seem i lost all my Virtual machines ( insiders win 10 plus a few other VM ) when i upgraded to Genuine WIN 10 Pro, i was using VMware Workstation prior to the upgrade, i would now like to try Hyper V, since its built in to Win 10, is it possible to point Hyper V to the location of my previous VM's and have them work on Hyper V ?
Thanks in advance
I personally never tried it but...:
How to Use VMM to Convert VMware Virtual Machines to Hyper-V (V2V)
Migrating a Virtual Machine from VMWare Workstation to Hyper-V | Blend Master
Thank for the quick Reply , WOW that looks like i lot of work, maybe i am better of just re installing WIN 10 on Hyper V lol
Hi there
how did you "Lose" your VM's -- surely they were in some sort of folders which you could have saved before doing your upgrade.
Hello . my Folders were on a Ext drive, they are still there, after the upgrade. when i opened up VMware, it did not find the Virtual machines i had installed on VMware, and since win 10 has hyper V i though i would use it , instead of VMware workstation,
if you already bought VMWare Workstation, why not continue to use that. After the install, just go into VMWare, choose File, Open and click on each VM's .vmx file to bring it back into inventory.
You can switch to Hyper-V if you wish but as pparks1 pointed out, you can open your existing VMs on the external drive using the File->Open option.
Hello again, Well since Hyper V is incorporated in Win 10 , i thought i would use it instead, but i did not want to re-install several servers and the win 10 insider , i guess i will have to re-install them again, i understand that the VM are different formats, i was hoping i could easily convert them to work with Hyper V
This tool should easily convert your VM's
StarWind V2V Converter - Free Tool from StarWind! - Starwindsoftware.com
Better yet, you can do right from the OS itself with a few powershell commands
Convert VMware Workstation 10 VM to Hyper-V VM using Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Will that stawind tool convert a VMWare VM to something that will work in Virtualbox?