If I choose the Windows theme from Windows Default Themes or Windows Installed Themes, I get a think border on windows, but it's transparent.
I got the aerolite and aerolite (white-text) themes from Aerolite Theme - Install in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog. Both of these give me solid borders, but the text of my clock system icon is black. The white-text version still gives me black text.
I notice that the High Contrast themes give me thick colored borders and white text. I don't want to use these, but I mention this to give someone possibly a clue as to how to make things work.
The black text came with the windows update that I installed today (Sept 22).
So I'd like to
(1) a way to remove the window border transparency without affecting other properties,
(2) a way to set white text without affecting other properties,
or (3) posting a theme file that has colored borders and white text.
BTW, I wonder if the .msstyles files have something to do with this. I think I downloaded aeroaero.msstyles and aeroaerolite.msstyles in July, they are dated 7/16/16. But I saved an older version of these, dated 10/30/15. This was before I upgraded from Windows 7 to WIndows 10.
The problem is in the .msstyles files - aero.msstyles and aerolite.msstyles.
aero is used by most themes, and it has the transparent borders. aerolite has the solid borders but black text.
I've found a tool for editing .msstyles files, but no documentation about which of the resources controls the text color or solid border behavior. It's called msstylesEditor. It presents me with hundreds of names and subnames, and lists of properties/values. Lots of these resources are images, which the tool will show. Unfortunately, it has no print facility so I can't easily compare the aero and aerolite files with each other.
ResourceHacker presents a completely different set of names, and the values are all in hex, no further interpretation, and no print facility.
I would need to open both files in separate windows with either tool and go down the lists and see what's different.
I'd prefer if somebody who knows more about this stuff would fix the aerolite file and produce a white-text version that actually works.
Thank you.
Winaero Tweaker has a Aero Lite setting in that allows you to set it at Aerolite White text.
I tried Winaero Tweaker's white text tweak, but it doesn't work. I still get black text. Something changed in the latest Windows update.
The only difference between the two themes installed by the Tweaker is that the white text version has added:I think this used to work before the windows update.Code:[Control PanelColors] TitleText=255 255 255 InactiveTitleText=160 160 160
BTW, I had saved an older version, dated 10/30/15, of aeroaerolite.msstyles. I tried using this file instead of the 7/16/16 version, and no difference in behavior.