
Big thanks!!!!!!

I have windows 10 pro and in my notifications and action center, airplane mode is in blue and wont let me turn it off, I'm using a desktop and not a laptop anyway to fix this or is this normal?

Also in the notification and action center, the wifi tab is greyed out. Anyway to fix this or is this normal as well?

Anyone else have this issue?

I have windows 10 pro and in my notifications and action center, airplane mode is in blue and wont let me turn it off, I'm using a desktop and not a laptop anyway to fix this or is this normal?

Also in the notification and action center, the wifi tab is greyed out. Anyway to fix this or is this normal as well?
Yeah, there was a time when Wifi and Airplane worked in Notification & Action Center.

MS decided that this belonged in the network Center. Press the network icon to show the same tiles - they work there.

I.m having the same problem as Slartybart. I did as you suggested and it still wouldn't turn off. I'm totally disconnectd from the internet on my laptop.

Is there any other way to fix this problem?
WiFi will not turn on.

Many Thanks if someone can HELP!!!!!

Do you have a physical on/off switch for your WiFi card. Turn the switch on and you should be able to turn off airplane mode.

Do you have a physical on/off switch for your WiFi card. Turn the switch on and you should be able to turn off airplane mode.
No, I don't have a physical on/off switch for my WiFi card. I have a Dell Laptop.
Are there anymore suggestions? I'm greatful for the help I'm receiving.

Thank You One And All

I am having this same issue. Airplane mode stays on, this disables the detection/display of WiFi/Bluetooth on a desktop machine.

I also have the issue with windows 10 pro not turning off airplane mode don't know if this is also causing other issues like , This pc wont find other pcs on my network . Windows 8.1 pro seemed to be much smoother and smarter than windows 10 pro .Hope these glitches get fixed soon updated 5 pcs on my network to 10 pro hate to redo them back to 8.1 pro any ideas on fixing these issues ?

Fought withissue for a few days solved Fn prt scrn

Fought withissue for a few days solved Fn prt scrn
While I didn't write in about the issues in this thread, I just had this problem happen to my computer and I want to thank you VERY VERY MUCH for putting up the solution to the issue and also (of course, I don't believe you have control over this) thanks to someone, anyone, or noone for making it such a simple solution!

Do you think this issue happened because someone hit Fn PrtScr by accident? I'd imagine that is a random and not an easy combo to hit, but not when you have a cat who's favorite thing in the world is to walk on my laptop when I'm working at peak proficiency which will happen ~3 to 4x per day and it just so happen that's about the amount of times he'll do his struttin'. And then once I step away from my computer for a minimum of 30 seconds, 50% of the time the cat will be using the laptop as his personal space heater.

So, I'm thinking that this could have caused it? While I'm interested in the why?, it is fixed now and I got my thanks out and a little story that POSSIBLY created a few smiles so if I figure out a way, cool, but if not, its pretty low on my 'to do' list.
Thanks again,

Big thanks!!!!!!